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Extend the support for foster care

25 January, 2017 - Tammy Franks According to recent statistics, more than half of Australians aged between 18 and 24 have not yet left home and, although 25-34 ...

Global LGBT+ Network to launch

25 January, 2017 - Sean Mulcahy The Global Greens LGBT+ network “aims to facilitate networking and cooperation between LGBT+ groups in Green parties across the ...

Multicolouring the Greens

25 January, 2017 - Huong Truong For the past 10 years, I've been a Greens member taking in progressive politics from the ever-changing Melbourne suburbs. For th...

Good riddance, 2016

12 January, 2017 - Dr Mehreen Faruqi Every single gathering I went to in December seemed to be 'Ground Hog Day' where the discussion was stuck on the tumultuous...

In 2017, I'll make better resolutions

12 January, 2017 - Rosanne Bersten For some people, new year's resolutions are minor reminders to improve something small about their lives. For others, it's a ...

Latte-sipping lefties unite

12 January, 2017 - Nathan Hart Coffee is a magical bean, giving super powers to the ordinary and energy to the exhausted. It is also the second most traded comm...

Government needs to stop incorrect debt letters

11 January, 2017 - Senator Rachel Siewert You have probably heard that just before Christmas, thousands of Australians received Centrelink automated debt notice...

Breaking point

10 January, 2017 - The ACT Greens have the pleasure of hosting this year's Australian Young Greens National Conference. The Australian Young Greens have been wo...

Lynn’s Page

2 January, 2017 - Hon Lynn MacLaren MLC The fight against Roe 8 has dominated the lead-up to Christmas for me, my team, Greens members and supporters and hundr...

Rachel's Page

2 January, 2017 - Senator Rachel Siewert October and November are particularly intensive with parliamentary sitting weeks so the most of our work has come out o...

Robin’s page

1 January, 2017 - Hon Robin Chapple MLC Last month, as part of our Home is Heritage campaign, I tabled a draft of my Prevention of Forced Closure of Remote Abor...

Why sport matters

1 January, 2017 - Emma Davidson Have you ever picked up the newspaper and felt like there's a lot of column inches given to discussions about rugby league or cr...