
Vote 1 Greens in the NT Election to protect the Territory from fracking

18 August, 2020 - This Saturday's Northern Territory election has the potential to make history by electing a strong, independent Greens voice to Parliament, Gr...

Centre Alliance must show spine on super

18 August, 2020 - The Greens have today slammed Centre Alliance for reportedly helping the Liberal Party abandon an election promise and delay an increase to wo...

Youth Job Guarantee needed

18 August, 2020 - Responding to today’s devastating job figures that see youth unemployment at a 23 year high, Greens Leader, Adam Bandt MP, called on the gover...

Electoral Matters Committee continues to fail Victorians by delaying voting reform

18 August, 2020 - The Electoral Matters Committee has let down Victorian voters by failing to address upper house voting reform in its recently tabled report on...

Hundreds protest across NSW for Save Our Koalas Day of Action

17 August, 2020 - Photos here. Local residents, koala activists and environmental organisations, including the Bob Brown Foundation, Bellingen Environment Ce...

We need a federal inquiry into the Ruby Princess: Greens

15 August, 2020 - The Australian Greens have today called for a federal inquiry into the Ruby Princess, to allow federal biosecurity officials to testify on the...

Government failure on global vaccine action shocking: Greens

14 August, 2020 - Greens questioning in the Senate COVID Committee today has confirmed the Morrison government has failed to join the COVAX global vaccine initi...

Morrison must take responsibility for Aged Care debacle: Greens

14 August, 2020 - The Greens say evidence given to the Royal Commission into Aged Care and statements of the Prime Minister have become utterly contradictory.  ...

Comment on School Chaplains in Canberra Schools

14 August, 2020 - Disappointed, but unsurprised. Today a Canberra Liberals dominated Committee report pushed for school chaplains to be mandated in Canberra ...

Punitive Approach For Struggling Students Will Cause Harm

13 August, 2020 - Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said the federal government’s move to punish students who struggle to find...

Labor must stop JobKeeper double games

13 August, 2020 - With the Liberals needing Senate support for their plans to slash JobKeeper payments to low-income earners, the Australian Greens have describ...

With over 1 million out of work the Government should not be cutting JobSeeker payments

13 August, 2020 - The Greens say that the Government is failing the growing number of people out of work by cutting the Jobseeker payment at the end of Septembe...

Exemptions for essential frontline workers is a matter of life and death

13 August, 2020 - Tamara Smith MP Member for Ballina is calling for border exemptions for essential frontline workers traveling between NSW and the QLD border. ...

Endangered ecosystems and Indigenous heritage need better protection

13 August, 2020 - The ACT Greens today welcomed a commitment from Chief Minister Barr that the ACT Government will now act to protect a local site of possible I...