
Protecting Canberrans from harmful sexuality and gender identity conversion practices

13 August, 2020 - Following a commitment from the ACT Government in 2018, new legislation to ban sexuality and gender identity conversion practices has been int...

Save the Coolo trees battle ramps up: ACT Greens

13 August, 2020 - The ACT Greens have today called on the ACT Government to be transparent with the community about its plans to replace green space with a car ...

Labor shouldn't be warming to a Liberal gas plan that's seriously fracking bad: Greens

12 August, 2020 - The Greens have responded to Labor’s official endorsement (through its Shadow Resources Minister, Joel Fitzgibbon) of the Liberals’ plan to su...

International Youth Day: 2020 is the year to listen to young people

12 August, 2020 - Australian Greens Youth spokesperson, and Australia's youngest Senator, Jordon Steele-John has called for greater engagement with young p...

Major parties reject the need for parliamentary standards

12 August, 2020 - Despite the conduct of politicians having declined year on year and public confidence in democracy bottoming out, both major parties have reje...

Fishing industry sidelined while seismic testing continues unabated

12 August, 2020 - Greens Healthy Oceans spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, today comments on an inquiry hearing in which Tasmanian and Victorian fisherme...

Greens reject government JobKeeper/IR blackmail

12 August, 2020 - Following reports that the government cynically intends to link extended JobKeeper support in some businesses to a removal of the industrial r...

Government laziness is impeding the important work of the Disability Royal Commission

12 August, 2020 - Wednesday 12 August The second progress report of the Royal Commission into the Violence, Abuse, Exploitation and Neglect of People with Disab...

Big businesses that receive JobKeeper and pay out dividends should be cut loose and made to repay funds

11 August, 2020 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Senator Peter Whish-Wilson has called for big companies that are paying out dividends from their profits or buyin...

Gov Is Hopelessly Divided On Uni Fee Hikes

11 August, 2020 - Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that the government is hopelessly divided on the Job-ready Graduates ...

Failure to protect DjabWurrung birthing trees an act of cultural desecration: Greens

11 August, 2020 - Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP and DjabWurrung traditional owner Lidia Thorpe have today slammed the Environment Minister’s fai...

Arts and entertainment industry funds won’t flow till restrictions lifted

11 August, 2020 - The Secretary to the Prime Minister has today told the Senate’s Covid Committee that money previously promised to help the arts & entertainmen...

Prime Minister and Cabinet must show leadership and urgently ensure that aged care around Australia is prepared

11 August, 2020 - Questions to Prime Minster and Cabinet today at the COVID hearing have shown that despite the aged care crisis the Government is not doing eno...

Greens and community upset by government's decision to push ahead with huge gas import terminal

11 August, 2020 - The Greens and Western Port residents are disappointed that Planning Minister Richard Wynne has refused the community's plea to delay the asse...

Grattan Report Shows Early Learning Investment Key To Gender Equity

10 August, 2020 - The Greens have welcomed a new report from the Grattan Institute today, Cheaper childcare: A practical plan to boost female workforce particip...