
Global Greens Live Blog

30 March, 2017 - Rosanne Bersten, Bethamie Woodstone & Sophie Trevitt Sunday, 2 April  8:00am: Good morning home viewers! Sophie here. It's the last day of cong...

Abuse of people with disability is not going to stop, we need a Royal Commission

29 March, 2017 - Following the Four Corners report that showed more harrowing footage of people with disability living in group care, both the Coalition and the...

Coalition and Labor push on with cashless welfare card

29 March, 2017 - The Coalition and the Labor party have voted down a Greens disallowance motion that would have stopped the cashless welfare card trial extensio...

Senate demands answers on Navy ships needed in Debbie response

29 March, 2017 - To move—That the Senate—    a) notes with concern reports that the Royal Australian Navy’s two largest ships, the Canberra Class Amphibious Ass...

Coalition and Labor push on with cashless welfare card

29 March, 2017 - The Coalition and the Labor party have voted down a Greens disallowance motion that would have stopped the cashless welfare card trial extensio...

WA Labor's uranium problem

29 March, 2017 - On 11 March 2017 we marked the sixth anniversary of the great Tohoku earthquake off Japan's Pacific coast. Nearly 20,000 people died as a wall ...

Abuse of people with disability is not going to stop, we need a Royal Commission

29 March, 2017 - Following the Four Corners report that showed more harrowing footage of people with disability living in group care, both the Coalition and the...

Minister Pyne's visit to Saudi Arabia

29 March, 2017 - I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that The Senate –    a). Notes :       i) the Australia Defence Department has appro...

Senate unites to compel Pyne to come clean on Saudi arms deals

29 March, 2017 - A Greens motion demanding transparency on Minister Christopher Pyne’s arms-dealing tour of Saudi Arabia has sparked a rare moment of unity with...

SA blackout report clears renewables, shows need for modern grid and new rules

28 March, 2017 - The Prime Minister owes the country an apology after the Australian Energy Market Operator’s final report into the September 28 South Australia...

Does Australia belong on the UN Human Rights Council?

28 March, 2017 - A couple of years ago I had the privilege of being an election observer in Myanmar. One memory stands out in particular: standing in a school q...

Senate calls on Government to come good on funding for neurodegenerative disease in East Arnhem Land

27 March, 2017 - The Greens and Labor have secured Senate support calling on the Federal Government to make good on a $10 million grant that they have refused t...

Barnaby Joyce is talking through his hat on Heyfield mill crisis

27 March, 2017 - The Greens have condemned the Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce’s blundering attempt to wade in to Victorian forest issues, saying these type of short-si...

Power companies and Libs playing South Australians for fools

27 March, 2017 - South Australians don’t need yet another inquiry into the price of power, they need action now to level the playing field for renewables and cr...

Were Australians involved in the disastrous attack on Mosul?

27 March, 2017 - Senator LUDLAM:  Over the weekend, the United States government took responsibility for air strikes in western Mosul that may have killed more ...