
Answers needed on Australian spoiling tactics as nuclear ban treaty draws nearer

20 August, 2016 - The Australian Greens are calling on Foreign Minister Julie Bishop to explain why Australia voted against an historic international plan to mo...

Spill in Darwin Harbour must be urgently addressed

19 August, 2016 - The NT Greens are shocked and saddened to hear of the oil spill in Darwin harbour.Greens candidate for Nightcliff, Matt Haubrick, said: "Altho...

Career opportunity

19 August, 2016 - Senator Larissa Waters is seeking a Media Adviser to manage media strategy and its implementation. The Media Adviser will build the Senator's ...

Royal Commission into youth detention should be national: Greens

19 August, 2016 - The latest report of alleged abuse in a Queensland youth detention facility demonstrate that the Royal Commission into such abuse should be na...

Greens push for national takeover of energy market after COAG fails on renewables

19 August, 2016 - Greens energy spokesperson Adam Bandt today said that the Greens will push to give the Commonwealth power for a national takeover of the energ...

Reef, climate & jobs at risk: Greens say fight to control land clearing must continue

19 August, 2016 - The Greens say the fight to control large scale land clearing in Queensland will continue. Greens spokesperson Andrew Bartlett says "our envir...

Greens (WA) call for farmer protection and oppose lifting the gate to GM crops in WA

18 August, 2016 - Hon Lynn MacLaren MLC This year has not been a promising one for advocates for GM free crops in WA: organic farmers Steve and Sue Marsh lost t...

Book Review: Dark Emu. Black Seeds: agriculture or accident by Bruce Pascoe

18 August, 2016 - Chris Johansen Until I saw Bruce Pascoe on a TV program, I think it was “Big Ideas” on ABC, it did not enter my consciousness that Australian ...

A BlazeAid Experience

18 August, 2016 - Adrian Price During the second week of January 2016, a lightning strike resulted in a devastating bushfire killing two persons, destroying ap...

An Alternative View

18 August, 2016 - Ian James Agriculture has changed a lot from the old days when a farmer would drive a team of horses around a small field all day. Back then t...

Volunteer experience of phase 1 of the election campaign (aka Federal election 2016)

18 August, 2016 - Chilla Bulbeck You have just completed the largest supporter engagement Greens WA campaign ever. We increased our lower house vote in 3 of ...

Editorial: The Greens and WA Agriculture

18 August, 2016 - The Green Issue Editors While we celebrate the return of Rachel and Scott to the Senate, this GI takes a peak into our rural scene. The Greens...

Supporting Sustainable Agriculture

18 August, 2016 - Senator Rachel Siewert Apparently during the federal election campaign the Greens had more farmers running as candidates than the Nationals - ...

Perspectives on GMOs

18 August, 2016 - Chris Johansen Greens Leader Richard Di Natale recently expressed his opinion that not everything about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) ...

Water conservation in the southern region of WA

18 August, 2016 - Adrian Price Blending water with electricity In the days when steam trains served farmers and rural communities with a wide variety of goods,...