
Scott's Page

18 August, 2016 - Senator Scott Ludlam We all thought Election Day was the deadline, after which we could all pause and take a breath. But with the result hangi...

Agriculture and Environment

18 August, 2016 - Chris Johansen Ever since humans have practiced sedentary agriculture there has been a loss of evolutions finely crafted biodiversity and the ...

Rachel's Page

18 August, 2016 - Senator Rachel Siewert After a month of dangling on tenter hooks both Scott and I are thrilled to be returned to the Senate. Over the next few...

Ecological vs Industrial Agriculture: How to Feed the World Without Overheating It

18 August, 2016 - Rob Delves Im calling two opposing systems of agriculture 'Ecological versus 'Industrial. Of course, there are many varieties of farming pract...

The Feral Goat Plague

18 August, 2016 - Hon Robin Chapple MLC Goats first arrived in Australia with the First Fleet in 1788 and soon became feral as domestic goats escaped, were aban...

Greens support resident's home acquisition calls for Western Distributor

18 August, 2016 - Residents on Hyde Street, Yarraville have banded together to call for the Andrews Government to end their uncertainty and commit to offering v...

Greens urge Victorian Labor not to give in to Frydenberg's pro-gas agenda at COAG tomorrow

18 August, 2016 - Greens energy spokesperson Ellen Sandell says the Victorian Government needs to resist federal energy Minister Josh Frydenberg’s calls for the...

Global Greens Congress 2017

17 August, 2016 - For the first time ever, the Global Greens and the European Green Party will hold their congresses together! Vis...

Greens (WA) Annual General Meeting 2016

17 August, 2016 - Nominations are invited for the office bearer positions of Co-convenor (2), Secretary and Treasurer, and positions of National Delegate, State...

Greens offer Labor, Coalition fairer way to raise $6.5 billion

17 August, 2016 - In response to Malcolm Turnbull’s call on Labor to back a ‘Budget repair’ bill containing $6.5 billion of harsh cuts, Greens Treasury spokespe...

New Nationals MP Luke O'Sullivan blocked from Parliament in political farce

17 August, 2016 - Richard Willingham and Benjamin PreissThe Age Victoria's Parliament has descended into farce, with the Andrews government blocking the swearin...

Old parties plan to buddy up to cut $1 billion of clean energy funding as soon as Parliament returns

17 August, 2016 - The Greens condemn the Turnbull Government plan, announced today, to rip more than $1 billion from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency as s...

Greens pledge to protect 18C as many times as it takes

17 August, 2016 - The Australian Greens say they will keep standing with the community to protect Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, in the face of r...

Greens pledge support for ARENA and renewables in SA

17 August, 2016 - The Greens will support renewable energy projects in South Australia by voting against the Coalition's proposed billion dollar cuts to the Aus...

Greens pledge to protect 18C as many times as it takes

17 August, 2016 - The Australian Greens say they will keep standing with the community to protect Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, in the face of r...