
Greens pledge support for ARENA and renewables in SA

17 August, 2016 - The Greens will support renewable energy projects in South Australia by voting against the Coalition's proposed billion dollar cuts to the Aus...

Greens pledge to protect 18C as many times as it takes

17 August, 2016 - The Australian Greens say they will keep standing with the community to protect Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, in the face of r...

Legislate to protect dairy farmers: Greens

16 August, 2016 - The Australian Greens are calling on the government to act to prevent retrospective price decreases in the dairy industry, while the ACCC inve...

Greens welcome ACTU commitment to mobilise against CDP

16 August, 2016 - The ACTU’s commitment today to mobilise against the Government’s discriminatory Community Development Program has been welcomed by the Austral...

Legislate to protect dairy farmers: Greens

16 August, 2016 - The Australian Greens are calling on the government to act to prevent retrospective price decreases in the dairy industry, while the ACCC inve...


16 August, 2016 - So much of the beautiful takayna / Tarkine region remains untouched by any development, but so much remains unprotected. We have previously ga...

Conservation sector petitions for greater consultation on Biodiversity Conservation Bill to be debated this week

16 August, 2016 - Greens South Metropolitan MLC Lynn MacLaren will today at 12:30 on the steps of Parliament receive a petition from The Wilderness Society, WA ...

ACTU moving towards a work for the dole challenge welcomed by the Greens

15 August, 2016 - The Australian Greens welcome the ACTU taking steps to challenge the discriminatory work for the dole scheme in remote Australia, Australian G...

Time to pull the plug on second Basslink

15 August, 2016 - Warwick Smith’s sudden resignation from the viability study of a second Basslink cable should prompt an urgent rethink of the proposal, Greens...

Reckless government must halt contract-signing pending result of new court challenge

12 August, 2016 - South Metropolitan Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren has called on the Government to scrap any plans to sign contracts for the Roe 8 project, pending t...

Inequality and the anti-expert

12 August, 2016 - Dr Will Grant Like a train on fire crashing slowly into a Transylvanian village cemetery, 2016 seems to be a year in which the awful, awful gi...

ACT Greens FOI legislation will lead to more transparent government

11 August, 2016 - “The ACT Greens believe that transparency in Government is vital for the community to have trust in their elected representatives and public s...

Labor must put out Frydenberg’s renewables bonfire: Greens

11 August, 2016 - In response to Environment & Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg’s comments that he will proceed with the $1.3 billion cut to ARENA grant funding,...

Labor must put out Frydenberg’s renewables bonfire: Greens

11 August, 2016 - In response to Environment & Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg’s comments that he will proceed with the $1.3 billion cut to ARENA grant funding,...

Dutton & Wilson Security must be made accountable for cover-up of child abuse on Nauru

11 August, 2016 - Revelations that the government contractor Wilson Security appears to have misled the Australian parliament over a number of child abuse incid...