
Liberals crush Tasmania’s economic advantage in climate and Antarctic science

4 February, 2016 - Greens spokesperson for Antarctic issues Senator Whish-Wilson provides the following comments on the reported CSIRO job cuts: “I am devastate...

Decision imminent: UN determination on arbitrary detention of Julian Assange

4 February, 2016 - Friday morning Australian time, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights' Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) will make a determ...

Sacred art continues to be vandalised

4 February, 2016 - Tuesday, 2 February The continual vandalising of ancient Indigenous rock art in the Burrup peninsula has reached crisis point, says Greens ML...

After David Bulmer-Rizzi's death, we must recognise foreign same-sex marriages

4 February, 2016 - In considering this legislation today, what we are calling upon the government to do and all members of parliament to do is this. We are sayi...

Gutting CSIRO climate science is the enemy of innovation

4 February, 2016 - News that the Turnbull Liberal Government is sacking more CSIRO scientists, gutting climate science in Australia, shows what a climate-denial...

O'Week 2016

4 February, 2016 - Mon, 2016-02-15 (All day) - Fri, 2016-02-26 (All day) Universities Australia-wide Universitie...

Save Our Scholarships

4 February, 2016 - Last year, Labor and the Liberals came together to hike up HELP fees for university students by converting the Student Start-Up Scholarship i...

Human Rights Abuses in Australia's name? Overdue Questions on Notice

4 February, 2016 - Senator LUDLAM (Western Australia-Co-Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens) (15:02):  That is a little breakdown in communication which actu...

Turnbull ‘mum’ on fate of refugee babies & children

4 February, 2016 - In response to his first question since yesterday’s High Court decision concerning the fate of the 37 babies and 90 children living in Austra...

Andrew Robb is running scared on independent TPP scrutiny

4 February, 2016 - Today Andrew Robb has signed the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) on behalf of the Australian government. Greens spokesperson for Tr...

Greens urge Government to drop its planned attack on TAFE system

3 February, 2016 - Australian Greens higher education spokesperson Senator Robert Simms is calling on the Government to drop its outrageous idea to force TAFE i...

Senate agrees 150 days without a Sex Discrimination Commissioner in unacceptable

3 February, 2016 - The Senate has passed an Australian Greens motion calling on the Turnbull Liberal Government to hurry up and appoint a Sex Discrimination Com...

Speech: Senator Robert Simms calls out Tony Abbott for speaking at ADF event in the US

3 February, 2016 - Mr Acting Deputy President, I rise tonight to talk about a matter that will be of importance to all Australians who value equality and divers...

Senate backs Greens efforts to shed some light on Perth Freight Link

3 February, 2016 - On the same day the Senate voted to request the Auditor-General investigate the Perth Freight Link, the clock ran out on yet another delaying...

Government must order archaeological dig for artefacts in Beeliar Wetlands

3 February, 2016 - Greens South Metropolitan MLC Lynn MacLaren MLC says the Government should use the opportunity of delay arising from the court decision to in...