
PM must condemn Dutton’s racist dog-whistle

5 February, 2016 - The draft cabinet briefing, reportedly prepared for the Immigration Minister and leaked to the media today, proposing a radical overhaul of t...

Drop the Warrant, Give back his Passport

5 February, 2016 - After the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) found in his favour, the UK government should cancel the arrest warrant ...

Greens slam Queensland’s ‘Secret Referendum’‏

5 February, 2016 - 05/02/2016 The Greens say the state government is treating Queenslanders and the state’s local Councils with contempt by failing to give...

What Assistance did the Australian Government provide to the Sri Lankan Criminal Investigation Department (CID)?

5 February, 2016 - Senator Scott Ludlam: asked the Attorney-General on 20 November 2015: With reference to Australian Government assistance provided to the Sri ...

Drop the Warrant, Give back his Passport

5 February, 2016 - After the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) found in his favour, the UK government should cancel the arrest warrant ...

O'Week 2016

4 February, 2016 - Mon, 2016-02-15 (All day) - Fri, 2016-02-26 (All day) Universities Australia-wide Universitie...

Save Our Scholarships

4 February, 2016 - Last year, Labor and the Liberals came together to hike up HELP fees for university students by converting the Student Start-Up Scholarship i...

Human Rights Abuses in Australia's name? Overdue Questions on Notice

4 February, 2016 - Senator LUDLAM (Western Australia-Co-Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens) (15:02):  That is a little breakdown in communication which actu...

Turnbull ‘mum’ on fate of refugee babies & children

4 February, 2016 - In response to his first question since yesterday’s High Court decision concerning the fate of the 37 babies and 90 children living in Austra...

Andrew Robb is running scared on independent TPP scrutiny

4 February, 2016 - Today Andrew Robb has signed the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) on behalf of the Australian government. Greens spokesperson for Tr...

Sacred art continues to be vandalised

4 February, 2016 - Tuesday, 2 February The continual vandalising of ancient Indigenous rock art in the Burrup peninsula has reached crisis point, says Greens ML...

Introducing Senator Robert Simms

4 February, 2016 - Meet Senator Robert Simms, Australian Greens senator for South Australia. At 31, Robert is the youngest senator in the Australian Parliament,...

Strong local opposition at all 6 proposed nuclear waste dump sites

4 February, 2016 - There is strong local opposition exists at all six sites currently under consideration for a nuclear waste dump in Australia. The communities...

Additional Estimates

4 February, 2016 - Mon, 2016-02-08 (All day) - Thu, 2016-02-11 (All day) Parliament House, Canberra Senate Commi...

Time to act on recognising overseas same-sex marriages

4 February, 2016 - Overseas marriage recognition laws must be standardised across the country to avoid the heartache and humiliation experienced by a British ma...