
Questions on Notice about the Perth Freight Link

3 February, 2016 - Senator LUDLAM:  I move: That the Senate take note of the minister's response. I acknowledge the minister's response, sketchy though it might...

Senate rebukes broken Centrelink with motion support

3 February, 2016 - The Senate has today rebuked the Government and supported a Greens initiated motion, calling on them to address mounting frustrations over ac...

Government hasn't made the case to ditch interstate shipping regulations

3 February, 2016 - I rise today to speak to the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Amendment (Inter-State Voyages) Bill 2015. The Australian Gr...

#LetThemStay - stop forced returns to Nauru!

3 February, 2016 - SNAP ACTION.  Organised by the Refugee Rights Action Network (RRAN) - . See the Event page . Today, the High Court delivered the...

The Auditor General should investigate the Commonwealth funding approvals for the Perth Freight Link

3 February, 2016 -  NOTICE OF MOTION                                                                          2 February 2016                                   ...

Greens move for House to decline ABCC bill in favour for broad-based anti-corruption watchdog

3 February, 2016 - Greens Industrial Relations spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today moved for the House of Representatives to decline the ABCC bill and instead supp...

Centrelink concerns read into the Senate after hundreds of complaints

3 February, 2016 - Awful Centrelink accounts have been read into the Senate after 88 pages of complaints were posted to Senator Rachel Siewert’s Facebook page l...

Greens Senate Inquiry into the exposure of Australians’ investments to the carbon bubble

2 February, 2016 - The Australian Greens have today established a Senate Inquiry into how transparently companies report their investments in fossil fuels and t...

Turnbull Government repeats Abbott’s trick in gutting the board of the Renewable Energy Agency

2 February, 2016 - The Liberal Government is trying to stifle the independence of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency by neglecting to appoint new board memb...

Auditor General report into DSP eligibility must be taken seriously: Greens

2 February, 2016 -  A report by the Auditor General that raises concerns about sharpening the eligibility for the Disability Support Pension (DSP) should be tak...

Turnbull Govt repeats Abbott’s trick in gutting the board of the Renewable Energy Agency‏

2 February, 2016 - 02/02/2016 The Liberal Government is trying to stifle the independence of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency by neglecting to appoin...

Greens seek senate support for Auditor-General investigation into WestConnex and Perth Freight Link

2 February, 2016 - The Australian Greens will move for the Senate to formally request an Auditor-General's investigation of proposed federal funding for the Per...

Data Breach Legislation - where is it George?

2 February, 2016 - In the midst of the shambolic mandatory data retention debate, the government assured everyone that they would legislate a mandatory data bre...

Greens Senate Inquiry into the exposure of Australians’ investments to the carbon bubble

2 February, 2016 - The Australian Greens have today established a Senate Inquiry into how transparently companies report their investments in fossil fuels and t...

Progress on implementing recommendations from the Senate Housing Inquiry

2 February, 2016 - The findings of the Senate Economics Committee Inquiry into Housing Affordability tabled in May 2015 contained 40 recommendations. The govern...