Science, Industry & Innovation

Science and innovation play a crucial role in shaping our world – and are vital to addressing the climate crisis and other challenges we face.

But decades of underinvestment by the Liberals and Labor have put our research sector at risk – funding for research is at its lowest point in 30 years.

Funding cuts to the CSIRO and universities have put a handbrake on progress and left us lagging behind the rest of the world.

The Greens are working to revitalise science and innovation through public investment, creating opportunities for students and researchers to shape a brighter future for everyone.

Explore our plan

Boosting investment in science, research & innovation

Investing in science, research, and innovation is key to building a sustainable future and creating high-paying jobs in new industries.

The Greens are working to revitalise our research sector and drive innovation.

The Greens' plan:

  • Fund cutting-edge research and development by investing $2 billion over nine years in the CSIRO and other national science organisations.
  • Strengthen university research by providing $2.5 billion in block grants over ten years to support curiosity-driven projects and improve researchers' job security.
  • Build Australia’s scientific capacity by increasing ongoing funding for the Research Infrastructure Investment Strategy by $175 million.
  • Accelerate the transition to a sustainable economy by allocating $100 million to advance low-carbon technology innovation.
  • Enhance access to research by providing ongoing funding for a national open-access publishing program.
Parliamentary Office of Science & Technology

In an age of misinformation, conspiracy theories, and fake news, ensuring our decision-makers have access to trustworthy, evidence-based advice has never been more essential.

From the climate crisis to pandemics and future threats, sound scientific guidance is essential within our public and political debate.

Parliament needs access to objective, independent information. An independent Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) will provide the evidence and advice needed to ensure decisions are grounded in science and focused on the future.

The Greens' plan:

  • Create a trusted source of scientific advice for Parliament by investing $4.3 million to establish an independent Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, modelled on the UK’s system.
  • Provide Parliamentarians with high-quality, independent scientific evidence by ensuring that POST collaborates with Australia’s five Learned Academies during critical decision-making.
Supporting equitable & ongoing employment for researchers

Australia risks losing our best and brightest minds because research work is often underpaid and insecure.

Supporting stable, well-paid employment for researchers is vital to advancing science and driving innovation. By ensuring equitable opportunities for research, we can strengthen Australia’s scientific community.

The Greens' plan:

  • Foster diversity in STEM by providing $50 million annually to support diversity programs, evaluate current initiatives, fund the Office of Diversity in STEM, and expand the STEM Equity Monitor.
  • Improve STEM education by enhancing teacher training, creating a national database of professional development courses and funding relief cover for teachers while they undertake training.
  • Transition researchers into secure employment by investing $50 million annually in a secure work fund for Australia’s universities and research institutes.
  • Strengthen Australia’s research capacity by increasing ongoing funding for the Australian Research Council’s Future Fellowships scheme by $70 million each year.
  • Promote fairness and integrity in research grants by investing $20 million to apply proven transparency principles from the Australian Research Council to all National Granting Programs.