ALL Greens Events

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Calling & Data Party

Help us recruit volunteers to our campaign by phone, or enter data from our recent doorknocks.

Geelong Greens Cinema Nights @ The Pivotonian

Monthly Geelong Greens Cinema Nights @ The Pivotonian in Geelong. Every second Wednesday of the month!

Fraser campaign night

Join us for data entry, recruitment calls and texts and other bits and bobs to support us building power in the community

Philly Greens Beers

Get to know other members on the Port Phillip Branch over a cold one

Melbourne City Council Doorknock

Come along for a morning of doorknocking!

Ginninderra Doorknock - Belconnen

Meet at Belconnen Oval Playground on Saturday 14 September at 1pm for a great doorknock, come chat to your local community about the issues that matter!

Philly Politics in the Cafe

Discuss the pressing issues over a cuppa

Ginninderra Doorknock - Florey

Meet at Cesar's Cafe, Florey, on Sunday 15 September at 10am for a great doorknock, come chat to your local community about the issues that matter!

September Members' Forum

Join us for our September Members’ Forum