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A young person's perspective on Global Greens

16 May, 2017 - Mathew Townsend During the Global Greens Congress held in Liverpool, between 28th March and 2nd of April, I was a delegate for the Australian You...

The houses we can't afford

16 May, 2017 - Sophie Trevitt Much has been made of the growing protest vote, of folks — both here and abroad — who are disillusioned and disaffected by politic...

Rachel Siewert’s April Update

8 May, 2017 - Senator Rachel Siewert What a whirlwind journey for the WA Greens these last few months! A great state campaign has seen us double our representat...

Scott Ludlam's April Update

7 May, 2017 - Scott Ludlam The final week of the parliamentary session before the autumn break saw government dysfunction at its most absurd. Coalition Senators...

Editorial: Aftermath of the WA State election 2017

4 May, 2017 - The Green Issue Editors Swans now glide peacefully across Bibra Lake, as a result of the WA state election which saw construction on nearby Roe 8 ...

Join us in Alice

4 May, 2017 - Rebecca Galdies The Australian Greens are hosting their National Conference in Alice Springs in May, for the first time ever, and I'm excited! I'm...

20 Questions with Robin Chapple

2 May, 2017 - Rosanne Bersten Robin Chapple is the member for Mining and Pastoral region of WA — he was first elected to the seat in 2001, then lost it in 2005 ...

Anna's Adani

2 May, 2017 - Bob Brown Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has tied Labor tightly into the disastrous Adani coal mine venture in the Galilee Basin west of...

The women of Australia deserve more than cheap words

2 May, 2017 - Senator Larissa Waters The safety net for survivors of domestic violence is full of holes, and our politicians know it. Prime Minister Malcolm Tur...

Exciting days at Global Greens Congress

1 May, 2017 - Gösta Lyngå The 4th Congress of the Global Greens was joined by almost 2000 Greens from around 100 countries, meeting at an excellent venue in Liv...

Improving diversity of voices at National Conference

1 May, 2017 - Alex Schlotzer To make sure we're doing something proactive about diversity, we signed off on the establishment of the national Multicultural Com...

Where are the leaders with disabilities?

1 May, 2017 - Christina Ryan Australians with disabilities sit on boards, lead teams, run organisations, and represent our communities from the local level righ...