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Dutch surge

22 March, 2017 - Felicity Gray The recent elections in the Netherlands were watched here and internationally with much anticipation. GroenLinks rocketed from fo...

Our precious heritage

21 March, 2017 - Ellen Sandell Late last year, the Royal Historical Society of Victoria published Remember Melbourne 1850-1960. The book details the loss of mor...

Strengthening our global network

21 March, 2017 - Felicity Gray 'Think Globally, Act Locally' has long been a catch cry of the Green Party movement, and every five to seven years, we put that i...

The Business of Government

21 March, 2017 - Fergus Halliday Even if we contort ourselves enough to discount the uncomfortably close ties between big corporations and certain major politi...

The World We Want To Live In

15 March, 2017 - Richard Di Natale Firstly let me acknowledge that we are meeting here on the land of the Ngunnawal peoples and I pay my respects to their eld...

Feminism with a capital F

8 March, 2017 - Sarah Nielsen-Harvey I am the second most privileged person within our society. I am white, heterosexual, well-educated and cis-female. But when...

A woman's place is in the House…

7 March, 2017 - We're hugely proud of our policies on women but it's not enough to talk the talk. We're also hugely proud that we have women across all levels o...

Making the party more inclusive

6 March, 2017 - Robyn Lewis We've got a lot of things right, like affirmative action for office-bearer positions, and strong internal and external policies to e...

Green donations: chicken or nest-egg?

3 March, 2017 - Trish Cowcher and Chilla Bulbeck Christine Milne, former Australian Greens parliamentary leader, called our current system of government a pluto...

Major dollars, major influence?

3 March, 2017 - Jonathan Sri The Greens are a pretty kickarse political movement in many ways, but like all parties, we tend to have a bit of a blind-spot when ...

The future is green

3 March, 2017 - Christine Milne Live from the #Greens2017 Congress in Liverpool, the biggest Green gathering in history - Posted by Eur...

Editorial: Election Campaign 2017

25 February, 2017 - The editors Elections come and go — but usually all too quickly for many of us to stay up to speed. With Greens (WA) pouring almost equal en...