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Making light work of political cartoons

19 April, 2017 - Emma Davidson One of the many benefits of living in Canberra is easy access to our national institutions, especially when they run special work...

Global Greens Congress 2017

17 April, 2017 - Vivienne Glance What an inspiration! The Fourth Global Greens Congress was an exciting and informative experience that I will remember for a lo...

Follow the Leader

16 April, 2017 - Jean Ibbotson Australias foreign policy decisions havent proven the current Coalition government to be the best source of leadership as we head...

It's a climate emergency

7 April, 2017 - Margaret Hender It's time to stop the madness and declare a Climate Emergency Politicians of various political persuasions assembled in the fore...

20 questions with Seamus Lee

6 April, 2017 - Emma Davidson Seamus, who is 25 years old, is the Greens NSW Online Systems Coordinator. 1. What do you remember about your first election? My f...

Measuring what matters

6 April, 2017 - Tim Hollo One of the best sessions at Global Greens Congress 2017 was organised by ACT Greens member and former Swedish Greens MP, Gösta Lyngå,...

The woman who started a car club

6 April, 2017 - Emma Davidson When most people think about car clubs and who they might meet there, they probably don't immediately assume they'll meet a strong...

A global movement, a united vision

5 April, 2017 - Rosanne Bersten Waverley Councillor, Dominic Wy Kanak, described the opening ceremony of Congress 2017 as being like an Olympics for the Green...

2017 Global Greens Liverpool Declaration

3 April, 2017 - The world faces disturbing and dangerous trends. Multiple actors are organising to combat the challenges these trends present. The Global Greens...

20 questions with Alison Xamon

2 April, 2017 - Rosanne Bersten Alison is 47, was convenor of the Australian Greens from 2007 to 2008 and then represented the East Metropolitan region in the W...

Global Greens Live Blog

30 March, 2017 - Rosanne Bersten, Bethamie Woodstone & Sophie Trevitt Sunday, 2 April  8:00am: Good morning home viewers! Sophie here. It's the last day of cong...

Charting a new course

22 March, 2017 - Emma Davidson Going to listen to a National Press Club speech is usually all about the menu, and who you might be sitting with. The speech is j...