Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Abbott-friendly NEG is a dog: Greens

20 April, 2018 - Abbott-friendly NEG is a dog: Greens Greens energy and climate change spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said that as Tony Abbott starts tweeting...

Charging interest on income support debts a sledgehammer approach: Greens

20 April, 2018 - Charging interest on people that owe a Centrelink debt will disproportionately affect Australians on low incomes and who weren’t intentionally ...

Government adopts majority of Greens 2016 banking policy

20 April, 2018 - Summary table of Greens 2016 election policies adopted by the Governmentpdf48.03 KBMarked up 2016 election policydocx129.11 KB

South Australians to protest cruel live animal export today

20 April, 2018 - The live animal export trade is a barbaric practice that must end despite Liberal National Government infighting over the issue, Australian Gre...

Josh Frydenberg must settle on recycling solution at upcoming Meeting of Environment Ministers

19 April, 2018 - Greens spokesperson for Waste and Recycling, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, urges the Ipswich City Council to reconsider their decision to start d...

Labor and Liberal must remain open-minded over calls to break up the banks

19 April, 2018 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Senator Peter Whish-Wilson is calling upon both Labor and Liberal Parties to remain open-minded to calls to break ...

Greens ready to block NEG.

19 April, 2018 - Greens ready to block NEG. Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said that the more detail that emerges about the N...

Greens welcome start of reforms to ensure older Australians are safe in aged care but more needs to be done

18 April, 2018 - Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert has welcomed Government moves to ensure safe, quality aged care, but says more work needs to be done. ...

Study should trigger increase to Newstart and Youth Allowance: Greens

17 April, 2018 - The Australian Greens have renewed their calls for an increase in Newstart and Youth Allowance following more evidence of the inadequacy of the...

Greens announce national plan to legalise cannabis for adult use

16 April, 2018 - Greens Leader Dr Richard Di Natale will today announce the party’s plan to legalise cannabis for adult use. Dr Di Natale said our current appro...

Government must rule out being part of any new Syria air strikes

16 April, 2018 - Greens Defence spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson has called upon the Government to rule out any future military involvement in Syrian ai...

Cross River Rail announcement first step towards public transport as a basic right

16 April, 2018 - The Queensland Greens are today cautiously welcoming of the announcement by Federal Opposition Leader, Bill Shorten, of funding for the deliver...

Greens express grave concern over air strikes in Syria

14 April, 2018 -   The Australian Greens today expressed grave concern over the decision of the US, UK and French Governments to launch strikes against targets ...

Families to suffer because of visa changes

13 April, 2018 - Changes to family reunion visa requirements are an attack on families and a cut to Australia’s immigration levels by stealth, Greens Immigratio...