Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Greens stand with students protesting against uni cuts

17 May, 2017 - The Australian Greens stand in solidarity with students protesting around the country today against the government's harsh university cuts. "This...

Labor wants to give Bank CEOs more platforms to delay levy and cry poor

16 May, 2017 - Greens Banking spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, says while the Greens will support any inquiry to the specific bank levy legislation, we...

Dutton and Turnbull abandon the men of Manus Island

16 May, 2017 - The Australian government is preparing to completely wash its hands of the men it has detained for four years on Manus Island. "After four years ...

Dutton and Turnbull abandon the men of Manus Island

16 May, 2017 - The Australian government is preparing to completely wash its hands of the men it has detained for four years on Manus Island. "After four years ...

Labor wants to give Bank CEOs more platforms to delay levy and cry poor

16 May, 2017 - Greens Banking spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, says while the Greens will support any inquiry to the specific bank levy legislation, we...

Manus Island report reveals Dutton's neglect and lies

15 May, 2017 - Amnesty International's report on the Manus Island shooting and concessions from PNG police have made clear Peter Dutton's catastrophic failure t...

ScoMo should bring forward the account portability measures to stick it to the big banks

15 May, 2017 - Greens Treasury spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, is calling on Scott Morrison to bring forward the account portability measures in the b...

ScoMo should bring forward the account portability measures to stick it to the big banks

15 May, 2017 - Greens Treasury spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, is calling on Scott Morrison to bring forward the account portability measures in the b...

Manus Island report reveals Dutton's neglect and lies

15 May, 2017 - Amnesty International's report on the Manus Island shooting and concessions from PNG police have made clear Peter Dutton's catastrophic failure t...

Statement on Australian Greens position on Government education package

13 May, 2017 - Statement from Australian Greens education spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young: I would like to clarify the Greens position on the government...

Statement on Australian Greens position on Government education package

13 May, 2017 - Statement from Australian Greens education spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young: I would like to clarify the Greens position on the government...

Labor’s Buffett-lite raises less than 4% of what a proper Buffett Rule would

12 May, 2017 - Greens Treasury Spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, has called upon Labor to stop fiddling at the edges with top-end tax rorts and adopt a ...

Labor’s Buffett-lite raises less than 4% of what a proper Buffett Rule would

12 May, 2017 - Greens Treasury Spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, has called upon Labor to stop fiddling at the edges with top-end tax rorts and adopt a ...

Buffett Tax, deficit levy and undoing top-end tax cuts a fairer way to raise revenue

11 May, 2017 - Greens Treasury spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, is calling on the Parliament to implement a Buffett Rule to make sure that executive fa...

Australian Greens welcome children’s television creators to #SaveKidsTV campaign

11 May, 2017 - The Australian Greens are proud to stand with children’s television producers from around the country in fighting to maintain, and strengthen, lo...