
Greens plan would secure long-term funding for domestic violence services for Victoria

26 May, 2016 - Greens plan would secure long-term funding for domestic violence services for Victoria The Australian Greens have announced a plan to provide lon...

20 Questions with Alex Bhathal

26 May, 2016 - Emma Davidson Name: Alex Bhathal Age: 51 Role with the Greens: Candidate for Batman 1. What do you remember about your first election? I was 8 w...

Bandt releases penalty rates ad after Greens focus national attention on weekend pay rates

25 May, 2016 - Following the second week of the campaign beginning by focussing on the parties' differences on penalty rates, Greens Industrial Relations spokes...

7-Eleven must reveal how they will pay employees owed wages after closure of Fels Panel: Bandt

25 May, 2016 - Greens Industrial Relations spokesperson Adam Bandt MP has said that reports that 7-Eleven has closed down the Fels Wage Fairness Panel are deepl...

Greens welcome local traders proposal to manage drug issues in Richmond

25 May, 2016 - The Greens today said the proposal from local traders in Richmond to support a supervised injecting facility for the area and not simply CCTV cam...

7-Eleven head office must be made responsible for owed payments: Greens

25 May, 2016 - In light of 7-Eleven management sacking the independent Fels Wage Fairness Panel, Greens Employment spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today called on th...

Government’s workplace changes may not help exploited 7-Eleven workers: Greens

25 May, 2016 - Greens Employment & Industrial Relations spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said the government’s proposal for changes to workplace laws may not he...

PEFO confirms need for more active fiscal policy: Greens

25 May, 2016 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said the Pre-election Economic and Fiscal Outlook released today confirms there are bleak econom...

Greens release plan for giant boost to science and research

25 May, 2016 - The Australian Greens want to put Australia on a path to spending 4% of GDP on science and research by 2030. Announcing the policy at the Walter ...

Greg Hunt's wind stunt won't fool Tasmania

25 May, 2016 - Senator Whish-Wilson provides the following comments on Greg Hunt’s visit to Robbins Island to talk up wind farm prospects. “There have been ver...

Greens release plan for giant boost to science and research

25 May, 2016 - The Australian Greens want to put Australia on a path to spending 4% of GDP on science and research by 2030. Announcing the policy at the Walter ...

Greens urban forest plan to protect Point Peron

25 May, 2016 - Greens Senator for Scott Ludlam will announce a plan to permanently protect Point Peron when he visits Rockingham on Sunday to announce the Green...

NT Greens announce Senate Candidate Dr Michael Connard

24 May, 2016 - With the Labor Senator Nova Peris not contesting her seat, NT voters might be fearful that they won't have any strong progressive candidate to vo...

Greens back new approach to suicide prevention

24 May, 2016 - Greens back new approach to suicide prevention The Greens have backed calls for the development and introduction of a new approach to suicide pre...

Labor missing opportunity to combat LGBTI discrimination

24 May, 2016 - Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and the ALP are missing an opportunity to stamp out discrimination against LGBTI Australians by ruling out removin...