
Liberal and Labor vote to ignore waste dump community concerns

22 February, 2016 - The Labor and Liberal parties have voted together against a senate motion acknowledging the community opposition to each of the six location...

Greens launch O’Week campaign to Save Our Scholarships

22 February, 2016 - Australian Greens higher education spokesperson Senator Robert Simms will launch the Save Our Scholarships campaign to mark the start of O'W...

Greens call for proper consultation on Western Distributor environment assesment

22 February, 2016 - Greens call on the Andrews Government to put the environment and community first and conduct proper community consultation as part of the En...

Senate calls for Government to address high rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kids in out of home care

22 February, 2016 - Senator Siewert’s motion calling on the Government to address the unacceptably high rates of Aboriginal children in out-of-home care has bee...

Dutton’s ‘blackmail’, ‘self-harm’ comments a disgrace: Greens

22 February, 2016 - The Immigration Minister's claims that he is being held to ransom and blackmailed by a one-year-old girl are inexcusable, the Australian Gre...

CSIRO climate science saves lives and money

22 February, 2016 - The Climate Council's report today shows CSIRO climate science, which faces cuts presided over by the Liberal Turnbull Government, helps fir...

The Turnbull government and Tax Policy - Who's in Charge?

22 February, 2016 - Senator LUDLAM (Western Australia—Co-Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens) (16:47): Sometimes it is good to go third in these debates so t...

Greens support Palaszczuk's offer to care for asylum seekers

22 February, 2016 - 22/02/2016 The Queensland Greens have expressed support for the Premier's offer of support and assistance to asylum seekers currently in the...

Senate Supports Independent Inquiry into Tasmanian World Heritage Area Bushfires

22 February, 2016 - The Senate has today supported an independent inquiry into the fires in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. The motion notes the d...

Strong digital encryption

22 February, 2016 - NOTICE OF MOTION 22 February 2016 I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that -  The Senate - 1. Notes; a. Strong digita...

Transparency about the NBN

22 February, 2016 - Senator LUDLAM (Western Australia-Co-Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens) (12:11): I rise to support this amendment, although I suspect i...

Greens National Council Resolution to Tackle Negative Gearing and Housing Affordability

20 February, 2016 - The Australian Greens have committed to phasing out negative gearing and capital gains tax discounts at their National Council Meeting today...

Greens National Council Resolution to Tackle Negative Gearing and Housing Affordability

20 February, 2016 - The Australian Greens have committed to phasing out negative gearing and capital gains tax discounts at their National Council Meeting today...

Victoria's animal emblem has a plan, but Leadbeater’s Possum habitat still being logged

20 February, 2016 - Victoria's animal emblem has a plan, but Leadbeater’s Possum habitat still being logged  The Greens have welcomed the release of the new Rec...

Greens MLC remains opposed to Aboriginal Heritage Act Amendments

19 February, 2016 - Friday 19 February, 2016 Greens Member for the Mining and Pastoral Region, Robin Chapple MLC, says that he remains strongly opposed to the r...