
Murray Darling Basin Authority sinks crossbench water plan

21 October, 2015 - The Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) and the Federal Government yesterday debunked a proposal by some of the crossbenchers to pause the ...

Turnbull Government defending Abbott plan to stop community from enforcing environment law

21 October, 2015 - The Attorney-General last night in Senate Estimates confirmed the Turnbull Government was still pushing Abbott's plan to remove community rig...

‘Abyan’ must be appointed an independent advocate: Greens

21 October, 2015 - The young Somali woman who is pregnant after an alleged sexual assault on Nauru needs an independent advocate to protect her from harassment ...

How much funding actually goes to educating students

21 October, 2015 - Senator Simms asked the Department of Education how much money actually goes to educating students of for-profit providers.

Estimates: mental health and the NDIS

21 October, 2015 - Senator RICE: I want to start with the government's response to the National Mental Health Commission's report released in April. In October ...

Refugee who self-immolated in Victoria needed better care

20 October, 2015 - The Australian Greens have expressed their condolences for a 30-year-old Afghan Hazara man who came to Australia seeking safety but, tragical...

Senator Simms clarifies water flow in the Murray

20 October, 2015 - Senator Simms sought clarification on Dr Stone's claims that increased environmental flows were damaging the Murray River ecosystem. It came back as an unequivocal no.  

Big banks winners from government Financial System Inquiry response: Greens

20 October, 2015 - The Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt and Finance spokesperson Senator Peter Whish-Wilson today said that the big banks are the big win...

Community bands together to protect women’s reproductive rights

20 October, 2015 - Forty one organisations have banded together to show support for Victoria’s existing abortion laws and to reject DLP Rachel Carling-Jenkin’s ...

Big banks winners from government Financial System Inquiry response: Greens

20 October, 2015 - The Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt and Finance spokesperson Senator Peter Whish-Wilson today said that the big banks are the big win...

Taking the lead

20 October, 2015 - Harriet de Kok and Sophie Jamieson (Australian Young Greens co-convenors) This year's Australian Young Greens Conference was held in late Sep...

That's a (national tour) wrap

20 October, 2015 - Senator Richard Di Natale What a privilege it's been, meeting so many  dedicated Greens members, enthusiastic Greens supporters, and to have ...

Looking back on 2015

19 October, 2015 - Grahame Bowland and Giz Watson (Greens WA Co-Convenors) Its been a huge privilege co-convening the party this past year. The role of co-conve...

Estimates: where are ARTC's KPIs?

19 October, 2015 - Senator RICE: I want to follow up on a question I asked on notice last estimates, question No. 64. The first question was whether the ARTC co...

Estimates: what now for VW in Australia?

19 October, 2015 - Senator RICE: In the light of the Volkswagen recall and the situation with the defeat device, is the department or the government considering...