Explore our Plan
- End AUKUS and establish an independent and peaceful foreign policy
Australia needs a foreign policy that prioritises peace, independence, and the well-being of our nation, not one driven by militarism and entanglement in the agendas of other countries.
Whilst Labor and the Liberals continue to back outdated alliances and dangerous nuclear strategies, the Greens stand for diplomacy, conflict prevention, and a future free of war.
This vision puts Australia on a path to becoming a global peace and cooperation leader rather than following others into conflict
The Greens' plan:
- Promote an independent foreign policy and defence force focused on peaceful regional relationships by cancelling the AUKUS agreement and renegotiating ANZUS, reducing reliance on the United States and strengthening regional cooperation.
- Ensure greater democratic oversight of war decisions by passing War Powers legislation requiring parliamentary approval before committing Australia to armed conflicts.
- Strengthen Australia’s capacity to prevent and respond to conflicts through non-violent means by creating a Peace & Conflict Prevention Division within DFAT, equipped to provide advice, mediators, and programs in vulnerable contexts.
- Formalise Australia’s commitment to a nuclear-free world by signing and ratifying the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons to support global nuclear disarmament efforts.
- Advance research and education in peace and non-violent conflict resolution by investing $15 million in grants for postgraduate scholarships.
- Establish a framework for a peaceful and rights-focused foreign policy by updating Australia’s white policy white paper focusing on decolonised aid, feminist and First Nations leadership, and conflict prevention strategies.
- Protect Australian waters and ports from nuclear risks by legislating a ban on nuclear-powered and nuclear-armed vessels docking in ports, travelling through waters, or being stationed in Australia.
- Special Envoy for Arbitrarily Detained Australians
Gaps within the Australian system have resulted in cases of people being arbitrarily detained in other countries for longer than they otherwise would have been and treated poorly while detained.
There is an urgent need for leadership in government policy around this issue, and consistent management of cases of wrongful detention.
The Greens' plan:
- Establish a Special Envoy for Arbitrarily Detained Australians overseas to focus on political and arbitrarily detained cases within the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
- Ban on the Import of Goods Produced by Forced Labour
Australia must not become a dumping ground for goods made using forced labour, especially as other nations take a stand against such practices.
Banning these imports will send a strong message that Australia does not tolerate slavery and forced labour in global supply chains.
By enacting this ban, The Greens will align Australia with global efforts to combat forced labour and stand in solidarity with communities like the Uyghur and Tibetan people calling for change.
The Greens' plan:
- Legislate a ban on the import of goods produced using forced labour, regardless of geographic origin. This policy will ensure Australia’s commitment to ethical trade practices and human rights.
- Provide $10 million annually to relevant Australian Public Service agencies to enforce and implement the ban effectively.