View Candidates: WA State Election|Federal Election Brad Pettitt MLC for South Metropolitan Region Sophie McNeill Candidate for Legislative Council Tim Clifford Candidate for Legislative Council Jess Beckerling Candidate for Legislative Council Diane Evers Candidate for Legislative Council Clint Uink Candidate for Swan (federal) and Legislative Council (state) Felicity Townsend State Candidate for Fremantle Caroline Perks Candidate for Maylands Simone Springer State Candidate for Perth Lucy Nicol Candidate for Mount Lawley Julie Marsh State Candidate for Warren-Blackwood Viv Glance Candidate for Nedlands Janelle Sewell Candidate for Kalamunda Mia Krasenstein Candidate for Vasse Jack Gordon-Manley Candidate for Victoria Park Lynn MacLaren Candidate for Albany Adam Bennett Candidate for Bicton Scott McCarthy Candidate for Moore (federal) and Mindarie (state) Kaelin Abrahams Candidate for Morley Carl Evers Candidate for South Perth Callan Gray Candidate for Bassendean Juanita Doorey Candidate for Bateman Robyn Walsh Candidate for Bibra Lake Patricia Perks Candidate for Bunbury Eric Hayward Federal Candidate for Tangney and State Candidate for Cannington Caroline McLean Candidate for Churchlands Heidi Hardisty Candidate for Cottesloe Heather Lonsdale Candidate for Oakford Simone Collins Candidate for the Senate (federal) and Legislative Council (state) Alex Wallace Candidate for the Legislative Council Lisa Hindmarsh Candidate for Carine Brendan Sturcke Candidate for Cockburn Donald Clarke Candidate for Kalgoorlie (state) and the Senate (federal) Jody Freeman Candidate for Brand (federal) and Kwinana (state) Niels Glahn-Bertelsen Candidate for the Pilbara Robert Delves Candidate for Rockingham Evan Beasley Candidate for Girrawheen Tamsyn Heynes Candidate for Secret Harbour Verity Ives Candidate for the Legislative Council (state) and the Senate (federal) Michaela King Candidate for Landsdale Chilla Bulbeck Candidate for the Mid-West Shelley Harrington Candidate for Armadale Trevor Don Candidate for Balcatta Annabelle Newbury Candidate for Baldivis Helen Olivieri Candidate for Belmont Matt Price Candidate for Butler Peter Leam Candidate for Central Wheatbelt Robert Mann Candidate for Collie-Preston Dominic Firmager Candidate for Darling Range Susanne Godden Candidate for Dawesville River Clarke Candidate for Forrestfield Madeline Doncon Candidate for Geraldton Nicholas D’Alonzo Candidate for Hillarys Ariana Carot Collins Candidate for Jandakot Brian Sova Candidate for Joondalup Jaala Ozies Candidate for the Kimberley Sheridan Young Candidate for Kingsley Chance Bruening Candidate for Mandurah Sarah Nielsen-Harvey Candidate for Midland Vince Puccio Candidate for Murray-Wellington Tim Hall Candidate for Riverton David Worth Candidate for Roe Mark Twiss Candidate for Scarborough Angela Hecquet Candidate for Southern River Chris Poulton Candidate for Swan Hills Adam Razak Federal Candidate for Burt and State Candidate for Thornlie Martin Dupont Candidate for Wanneroo Ben Hermann Candidate for West Swan