WA Greens Events
Bicton Summer Sundowner
Join your local Federal & State Greens candidates in Bicton for an epic Sunday sundowner.
Turning Curtin Green - Mount Claremont Doorknock
Come for an afternoon Doorknock for Nedlands and Cottesloe electorates
Pole for the Planet - Forrest Campaign Fundraiser
Celebrate this Galentine's Day with your besties & enjoy a night of dancing for a cause. There will be some extra special performances from a handful of local a…
Green Elephant Market
The Greens are hosting a Pre-Loved & Upcycled Market at the Dunsborough Foreshore. While fast fashion contributes to global warming, let's keep it cool and support an upcycle economy.
Nedlands Doorknock - Turning Curtin Green!
Do you want to see change?! Come along and Doorknock for it! In Nedlands. We can turn Curtin Green!
Turning Swan Green - Carlisle Doorknock
The Greens are having thousands of conversations with the community about the fight to address the housing crisis in WA - and we need your help.
Turning Swan Green - St James Doorknock
The Greens are having thousands of conversations with the community about the fight to address the housing crisis in WA - and we need your help.
Turning Swan Green - St James Doorknock
The Greens are having thousands of conversations with the community about the fight to address the housing crisis in WA - and we need your help.