ALL Greens Events
Fraser Door-knock - Cairnlea PM
Let's have persuasive conversations with community members of the west!
Let's Win Wills! Pascoe Vale South Doorknock
Get involved in your neighbourhood! We’re knocking on doors in Pascoe Vale to hear from our community about the issues they care about.
Turn Swan Green - Victoria Park Doorknock
The Greens are having hundreds of conversations with the community about the fight to address the housing crisis in WA - and we need your help.
Eltham Barefoot Bowls EOY Celebration
Join your fellow Greens on the green for a few rounds of barefoot bowls to celebrate 2024!
St Kilda Bays Hub Social!
We've been campaigning hard in St Kilda, St Kilda West, Windsor and Elwood - let's celebrate our efforts!
Macnamara Campaign Night! Data Entry and Volrec
Get involved in our campaign to win Macnamara! This campaign is going to be HUGE, so we need everyone pitching in to win.
Snap election briefing: Wills week of action!
Let's make sure we're ready for an early election by scaling up our voter contact
Team Cooper Campaign Night
Join us for recruitment calls, data entry, and other campaign tasks to build Team Cooper
Let's Win Wills! Coburg Doorknock
Get involved in your neighbourhood! We’re knocking on doors in Coburg to hear from our community about the issues they care about.
Rising Tide - Canberra Wave Occupation Start
Join the Greens contingent to make history! Occupying the Parliament lawns will put political pressure on the government by attracting significant media atten…
Let's Win Wills! Call Party
Come along to our campaign night! You can help us call supporters to invite them along to campaign events, or, do some data entry from our weekend door knocks!
Let's Win Wills! Data Party
Get involved in our campaign to win Wills! This campaign is going to be HUGE, so we need everyone pitching in to win.