ALL Greens Events

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Upcoming events in these areas

Let's Win Wills! SNAP afternoon Mega Doorknock

ITS ON. Join us in Coburg for a big afternoon doorknock.

Wobble Boarding in Hobart

Wobble boarding is a great way to let the public know the Greens are here and ready to represent them in Parliament!

Kingston Market Stall - Christies Beach Twilight Markets

Help out at the Greens stall at the Christies Beach Twilight Markets

Adelaide Social Drinks

Come grab a drink with the Adelaide Branch

Isaacs Social Night at Bojaks!

A chance to meet other volunteers on the Isaacs Greens campaign!

Tackling Global Catastrophe with Action and Hope

Sophie McNeill, Huong Truong and Sarah Baarini in conversation with Janet Rice

Sturt Market Stall - *MARDEN*

Help out at the Greens stall at the Marden Market

Seacliff Park Run Turning Green!

Join Boothby & Kingston Greens at the Seacliff Park Run!

Turning Swan Green - Coffee, DK and Lunch in Carlisle

The Greens are having thousands of conversations with the community about issues that matter to them - and we need your help.


Join our ALL IN SATURDAY to turn the seat of Macnamara Green. Doorknocking, data entry, training, letterboxing, there is something for everyone!

Turn Curtin Green: Scarborough Doorknock - Cancelled

Let's have conversations about what really matters

Doorknocking in Invermay with Peter Whish-Wilson

Join us as we talk with voters in Bass and connect on issues that matter to them.