ALL Greens Events

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Upcoming events in these areas

Fraser campaign night

Join us for data entry, recruitment calls and texts and other bits and bobs to support us building power in the community

Doorknock Leaders and Volunteer Coordinators Training

So you've been to a few doorknocks and you want to be more involved in the movement? Or maybe you're organising already and want to know how we're going and wha…

Having Great Conversations!

Join us to learn all about how we can turn WA Green!

Uni Greens - Politics in the Pub

All students welcome!

Roads, Rates and Revolution!: online trivia night

Is Local Government really just Roads, Rates and Rubbish? Not if we Greens have anything to say about it!

Red Centre Calling Party August 1st

Let's call supporters to get them volunteering and voters to swing votes!

Macnamara Mega Weekend of Action Volunteer Recruitment Final Push!

Calling supporters to invite them along to our MEGA Weekend of Action door knocks

Fannie Bay Thursday August 1st Doorknock

Third lap!

Ginninderra Greens Politics at the Pub - Climate

Join Adele Sinclair, Jo Clay and the Ginninderra Greens for pizza and politics at the Pot Belly pub. 6pm on the first Thursday each month.

Politics in the Pub - Climate Edition

Join us at the Pot Belly Pub for pizza, chips & climate chat with Minister Shane Rattenbury.

Voter Contact Systems for Volunteers

Learn how to find enter doorknock data and how to SMS voters so we can win!

Let's Win Wills + Merri-bek! Coburg Doorknock

Get involved in your neighbourhood! We’re knocking on doors in Coburg to hear from our community about the issues they care about.