Latest News, Articles & Media

Janet Rice
Senator for Victoria

Greens call on government to accelerate electric vehicle uptake, following senate hearing

17 August, 2018 - Australia’s failure to join the electric vehicle revolution has dire implications for the economy, jobs, public health and reducing carbon pol...

Greens motion calling for formal review of glyphosate defeated in Senate

15 August, 2018 - A Greens motion calling for a formal review into glyphosate to be conducted by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (A...

Janet condemns Fraser Anning's racist first speech

15 August, 2018 - I want to acknowledge that we're here today on the lands of the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people and that sovereignty was never ceded and that all...

Janet on dying with dignity (Harry's story)

14 August, 2018 - I want to share with the Senate the story of my dear friend Harry. Harry Gardner passed away on 18 February this year, aged 91. He'd had prost...

Australia’s infrastructure facing catastrophe from climate change, says senate inquiry report

13 August, 2018 - A senate inquiry chaired by Greens Senator Janet Rice has found that infrastructure such as transport, housing, electricity and water at major...

Janet on changes to family violence legislation

13 August, 2018 - I'm very pleased to rise to speak to the Family Law Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Bill 2017. The epidemic of family violence ...

Janet on the drought crisis affecting Australian farmers

13 August, 2018 - New South Wales is 100% drought declared.   Queensland is 50% drought declared.   We have farmers shooting their stock, unable to feed them, c...

Janet on the effects of climate change on infrastructure

13 August, 2018 - I present the report on current and future impacts of climate change on housing, buildings and infrastructure, together with the Hansard recor...

Greens welcome Uniting Church decision allowing equal marriage

15 July, 2018 - The Australian Greens have warmly welcomed the Uniting Church decision to allow ministers to marry LGBTIQ couples. “This is a great step forward...

Janet on the Water Amendment Bill

27 June, 2018 - Senator Rice:  When I was interrupted before question time, I was noting how the Water Amendment Bill 2018 is the result of a dirty deal between...

Janet sharing Chris' story on gay conversion therapy

27 June, 2018 -  I'm honoured tonight to be sharing some of the story of Chris—a person whose pathway in life has not been easy. Looking back, Chris can now say...

Tampon tax bill passes the Senate

22 June, 2018 - After almost 18 years in the making, we had a huge win this week when the bill to scrap the tax on menstrual items passed the Senate! By Sena...