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Mehreen Faruqi
Deputy Leader & Senator for NSW

Neo-Nazi revelations more evidence of far-right organising

16 August, 2021 - A shocking investigation by Nine into Australia’s largest white supremacist group has uncovered the most horrific evidence yet of a growing fa...

Speech: Charges on higher education

12 August, 2021 - I rise to speak on the Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration Charges) Amendment Bill 2021 and other cognate bills in front of...

Speech: 509 days of border closures

11 August, 2021 - Today marks 509 days since Australia's borders closed on 20 March 2020 – 509 days. This situation has posed such challenges and caused such he...

Speech: Closing the Gap

11 August, 2021 - I speak to the Prime Minister's Closing the Gap address and associate myself with the heartfelt comments made by my colleagues Senator Thorpe ...

Speech: The Morrison government has abandoned universities

11 August, 2021 - It is hard to describe the current dire state of affairs for Australian universities without getting very angry at the Morrison government. Ma...

Early educators report shows a sector in crisis

10 August, 2021 - Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has welcomed the release today of the Big Steps/United Workers Union report Ex...

Speech: 'A code red for humanity'

10 August, 2021 - It's a 'code red for humanity'. That's what the United Nations has called the IPCC's latest warning on climate. The world is heating faster. W...

Speech: Child Care Subsidy Bill 2021

10 August, 2021 - Senator FARUQI: I speak to the Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Child Care Subsidy) Bill 2021. The bill removes the annual cap on chil...

Speech: Morrison is not a leader

9 August, 2021 - What is the one job that is expected of the Prime Minister of a country? It's to be a leader, to make decisions for the good of the public and ...

Speech: Covid-19 Economic Response Bill

4 August, 2021 - I'm speaking from my home in lockdown, as greater Sydney has entered its sixth week of lockdown. Millions of people are under stay-at-home orde...

Speech: Homelessness Week

4 August, 2021 - Another week marking homelessness is another week marking lack of action by the government to reduce homelessness. People wait for over a decad...

Speech: Let's talk about Sky News

4 August, 2021 - It was welcome but not totally surprising to see that Sky News Australia this week has been temporarily banned from YouTube for sharing videos ...