Latest News, Articles & Media

Sarah Hanson-Young
Senator for South Australia

Senate sides with Greens on amendment to maintain funding for VET arts courses

5 December, 2016 - The Senate has given recognition to the importance of the Australian arts industry and community by supporting greater representation to arti...

Parliamentary Inquiry dissenting report rejects TPP

30 November, 2016 - The Australian Greens’ dissenting report to the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties inquiry into the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (T...

ABC independence traded for ABCC vote

29 November, 2016 - The Australian Greens have announced that they will vote against the government’s plans to allow the Communications Minister to make written...

Xenophon sells SA short in water negotiations

29 November, 2016 - The Nick Xenophon Team cannot be trusted to stand up for South Australia, the Australian Greens have said, after it was revealed that Senato...

Overhaul schools funding so it’s based on need: Greens

28 November, 2016 - Any overhaul of schools funding must result in a genuine ‘needs based’ model, the Australian Greens have said, pointing out that some wealth...

Barnaby needs to put his mouth where the Murray is

23 November, 2016 - South Australian Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has challenged Barnaby Joyce to a public debate in Adelaide on the health of the Murray R...

South Australia dudded by Barnaby Joyce and MDBA

22 November, 2016 - The Murray Darling Basin Authority’s attempt to increase irrigation limits in the northern basin will reduce the already insufficient amount...

Labor, Liberal still push for TPP despite Trump

21 November, 2016 - The Labor and Liberal Parties’ decision to vote against a Senate motion calling for the end of all moves towards ratification of the Trans-P...

Turnbull’s trade talks put corporations first

18 November, 2016 - Trade agreements should be negotiated to advantage people, not major corporations, the Australian Greens have said following Malcolm Turnbul...

Labor putting Pauline Hanson first: Greens to test Labor on trade and jobs

15 November, 2016 - The Greens have called on Labor to ditch their embrace of Hanson rhetoric and instead of dog-whistling outside of Parliament, back the Green...

Trump Presidency must end Australia’s TPP push

10 November, 2016 - The Australian Government should immediately end all moves towards ratifying the Trans Pacific-Partnership Agreement (TPP) in light of Donal...

Greens defend Arts courses in Vocational Education and Training

8 November, 2016 - The Australian Greens have announced that they will move an amendment to the government’s Vocational Education and Training bill in the Senat...