Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Greens express grave concern over air strikes in Syria

14 April, 2018 -   The Australian Greens today expressed grave concern over the decision of the US, UK and French Governments to launch strikes against targets ...

Greens express grave concern over air strikes in Syria

14 April, 2018 -   The Australian Greens today expressed grave concern over the decision of the US, UK and French Governments to launch strikes against targets ...

Families to suffer because of visa changes

13 April, 2018 - Changes to family reunion visa requirements are an attack on families and a cut to Australia’s immigration levels by stealth, Greens Immigratio...

Trump's TPP backflip makes a bad deal worse

13 April, 2018 - Reports that US President Donald Trump is looking to join the revived TPP are bad news for Australia’s economy and democracy, Australian Greens...

Families to suffer because of visa changes

13 April, 2018 - Changes to family reunion visa requirements are an attack on families and a cut to Australia’s immigration levels by stealth, Greens Immigratio...

Australia must look to EU for data protection law changes in the wake of Facebook scandal: Greens

12 April, 2018 - Thursday, 12 April 2018 The Australian Greens have called on the Federal Government to urgently update privacy protections in line with the Eur...

NZ offshore oil ban a win for climate, a test for Malcolm

12 April, 2018 - New Zealand’s ban on new offshore oil and gas exploration and drilling permits offers a path Australia must follow, South Australian Greens Sen...

Australia must look to EU for data protection law changes in the wake of Facebook scandal: Greens

12 April, 2018 - Thursday, 12 April 2018 The Australian Greens have called on the Federal Government to urgently update privacy protections in line with the Eur...

BP thinks a Bight oil spill "a welcome boost to local economy"

11 April, 2018 - MEDIA RELEASE6 April 2018 The next time the Liberal Party says oil in the Bight is “good for the economy”, point them to this, South Australia ...

WA Greens back calls for an end to live animal exports from Freo

10 April, 2018 - Tuesday, 10 April 2018 The WA Greens have backed calls for an end to live animal exports from Fremantle and reiterated their long-standing posi...

Education inquality shows needs-based funding isn’t enough

4 April, 2018 - “Needs-based funding isn’t enough. What’s required to overcome educational disadvantage is needs-based schooling,” Australian Greens education s...

Greens to artists: your rights are our priority

28 March, 2018 - “While the Greens support digital innovation and regulation, we’re never going to support throwing creative artists under the bus,” Greens arts...

Greens to artists: your rights are our priority

28 March, 2018 - “While the Greens support digital innovation and regulation, we’re never going to support throwing creative artists under the bus,” Greens arts...