Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Dutton caught in outrageous Manus Island lie

21 April, 2017 - Peter Dutton has been caught out lying about people seeking asylum on Manus Island and must resign or be sacked, Greens Immigration spokesperso...

Victorian government opposition to plastic bag ban dealt another blow

21 April, 2017 - The Victorian Labor government’s opposition to a plastic bag ban has been dealt another blow, with New South Wales Labor leader Luke Foley over...

Dutton caught in outrageous Manus Island lie

21 April, 2017 - Peter Dutton has been caught out lying about people seeking asylum on Manus Island and must resign or be sacked, Greens Immigration spokesperso...

Manus Island and Nauru Senate Inquiry

21 April, 2017 - Evidence presented to the Senate inquiry into the conditions on Manus Island and Nauru should prompt the immediate closure of both offshore det...

Chevron’s greedy tax fight proves it can’t be trusted with the Bight

21 April, 2017 - Chevron has proven it cannot be trusted with the pristine environment of the Great Australian Bight if they refuse to play by Australia’s tax r...

NAPLAN testing riddled with errors – not just with the online roll out

20 April, 2017 - The Australian Greens are calling on the NAPLAN testing model to be reviewed following the latest flaw, a failed online roll-out, and reports t...

Peter Dutton's values are not Australian values

20 April, 2017 - Peter Dutton and Malcolm Turnbull's rolling citizenship announcements are a transparently desperate attempt to win back votes from Pauline Hans...

Victorian ‘environment’ minister opposes plastic bag ban

20 April, 2017 - Victoria’s environment department today outsourced the role of reducing marine plastic pollution to the big supermarkets, refusing to back the ...

NAPLAN testing riddled with errors – not just with the online roll out

20 April, 2017 - The Australian Greens are calling on the NAPLAN testing model to be reviewed following the latest flaw, a failed online roll-out, and reports t...

Peter Dutton's values are not Australian values

20 April, 2017 - Peter Dutton and Malcolm Turnbull's rolling citizenship announcements are a transparently desperate attempt to win back votes from Pauline Hans...

Government to put university out of reach for low income students

19 April, 2017 - The Australian Greens have slammed the Government’s plans to hit university students with higher fees and force graduates to pay their HELP/HEC...

Government to put university out of reach for low income students

19 April, 2017 - The Australian Greens have slammed the Government’s plans to hit university students with higher fees and force graduates to pay their HELP/HEC...

Gunshots on Manus Island

15 April, 2017 - The Manus Island detention centre is unsafe and should be closed with all detainees immediately brought to Australia. "We have responsibility f...

Gunshots on Manus Island

15 April, 2017 - The Manus Island detention centre is unsafe and should be closed with all detainees immediately brought to Australia. "We have responsibility f...

Time to let go of the past and back five-minute rule

12 April, 2017 - Australian Greens Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young is calling on Malcolm Turnbull to prove himself as the bold, innovative Prime ...