Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

PM gets facts wrong on rent caps

15 June, 2023 - Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has got the details wrong on rent controls across the country, telling Parliament - incorrectly - that Territory...

PM gets facts wrong on rent caps

15 June, 2023 - Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has got the details wrong on rent controls across the country, telling Parliament - incorrectly - that Territory...

Time for Federal Govt to follow States’ lead on early childhood education

13 June, 2023 - Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has called on the Federal Government to show leadership in the...

Traditional Owners’ call for Santos to clean up their act

13 June, 2023 - An unknown number of disused wells off the West Australian coast have been leaking gas for at least 10 years and are considered impossible to fi...

Parliament Friends of ME/CFS Launching Today!

13 June, 2023 - Today, the Parliamentary Friends of ME/CFS, co-chaired by Senator Jordon Steele-John and Maria Vamvakinou, will be launched today at an event in...

Rate rises mean more public subsidies for landlords

9 June, 2023 - The RBA’s string of 12 interest rate rises in 13 months will mean an additional $11 billion lost revenue for the Commonwealth budget, PBO figures...

Climate action, not virtue signalling, will help protect Great Barrier Reef

7 June, 2023 - No amount of Minister Plibersek’s “formal commitments” to protect the Great Barrier Reef will provide cover from the impacts of new fossil fuel p...

RBA engaging in generational war with Labor’s support

6 June, 2023 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Senator Nick McKim has responded to today’s decision by the RBA to raise interest rates for the twelfth time in thir...

Australian Greens push government to boycott far-right Israeli figures

5 June, 2023 - The Australian Greens are calling upon the government to join France and the United States by taking actions against two key far-right members of...

Labor dumps equity and funding commitments from schools platform

2 June, 2023 - Labor has gutted its pre-election schools platform, walking back its stated commitment to fully fund public schools and ensure equity for the mos...

ALP national plan abandons LGBTIQA+ protections

2 June, 2023 - Labor’s decision to significantly cut back their pre-election commitments to protect the LGBTIQA+ community must be condemned, said Australian Gr...

Millions worse off today because of Labor

1 June, 2023 - Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has slammed the Labor Government, who are today responsible for...

Labor Allowing Australia To Continue To Be A Dumping Ground For Goods Produced By Forced Labour. 

1 June, 2023 - Labor Allowing Australia To Continue To Be A Dumping Ground For Goods Produced By Forced Labour.  The Australian Greens are continuing th...

Emissions data confirm Labor cannot open new coal and gas mines

31 May, 2023 - The government has released the latest quarterly emission figures for Australia, showing rising LNG pollution and a meagre 0.4% decline in emissi...