Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Senate Inquiry into ADHD Care to hold historic first public hearing today.

29 June, 2023 - The Senate inquiry into attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Assessment and support services in Australia will this week convene for ...

Mining billionaires silence First Nations voices on WA cultural heritage

28 June, 2023 - Western Australia’s new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act comes into effect on July 1. A one-year delay, until July 2024, has been rushed thro...

Government must commit to gambling ad reforms immediately

28 June, 2023 - In response to the gambling inquiry report out today, Greens spokesperson for Gambling Reform, Senator Janet Rice said: “Today’s gambli...

Greens’ Top Ten priorities for referrals to the NACC

27 June, 2023 - After nine years of Coalition Government, issues with integrity have been a constant theme with decision making that was partisan, politicised a...

Sheep abuse allegations demonstrate need for urgent live export phase out

27 June, 2023 - Senator Mehreen Faruqi, Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Spokesperson for Animal Welfare, has responded to allegations that thousands of shee...

Labor caves to big business on tax transparency

23 June, 2023 - Labor has yet again done the bidding of big business and wound back its plans for tax transparency, showing who really pulls the levers in Austr...

Elite schools awash with public cash

22 June, 2023 - The Greens say new data showing the sheer scale of government overfunding of private schools puts pressure on Labor to ensure that public school...

Reports of barbaric killing of kangaroos must spur action

21 June, 2023 - Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Spokesperson for Animal Welfare Senator Mehreen Faruqi has responded to horrific revelations about commercia...

Greens to oppose NAIF bill unless it stops funding coal and gas

21 June, 2023 - The Greens say the Federal Government must ensure that the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) can not be used for coal and gas pr...

Hotel Detention

21 June, 2023 - The Human Rights Commissioner’s damning findings on hotel detention should prompt an immediate end to the policy, the Greens say. “This is an...

Interim Report Released: Senate Committee on Access to Dental Care in Australia

20 June, 2023 - The Senate Select Committee on Provision on Access Dental Services, chaired by Greens Senator Jordon Steele-John, has tabled its interim report ...

RBA finally admits corporate profiteering is a driver of inflation

20 June, 2023 - Greens Treasurer spokesperson, Senator Nick McKim, has responded to the release of minutes of the 6 June meeting of the RBA which states that so...

Senate won’t deal with HAFF until Labor’s National Cabinet deals with skyrocketing rents, say Greens

19 June, 2023 - The Greens today have successfully deferred consideration of the HAFF bill until after National Cabinet determines its approach to rapidly risin...

Voice campaign begins as sovereignty motion passes Senate

19 June, 2023 - The Australian Greens have commended the passage of the Constitution Alteration Bill through the Senate, saying that the passage of the legislat...

Senate won’t deal with HAFF until Labor’s National Cabinet deals with skyrocketing rents, say Greens

19 June, 2023 - The Greens today have successfully deferred consideration of the HAFF bill until after National Cabinet determines its approach to rapidly risin...