Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

IDPwD - Greens Commit to Making Trains, Beaches and Public Institutions Accessible

3 December, 2021 - Disabled person and spokesperson for Disability Rights and Services Senator Jordon Steele-John has announced the Australian Greens have relea...

Greens announce Accessible Australia plan – trains, beaches, public institutions to be made accessible

3 December, 2021 - Media release Disabled person and spokesperson for Disability Rights and Services Senator Jordon Steele-John has announced the Australian ...

Greens want to end discrimination and commit to making education accessible & employment inclusive

2 December, 2021 - Disabled person and spokesperson for Disability Rights and Services Senator Jordon Steele-John has announced the Australian Greens have relea...

Liberals and Labor join hands to kill off accountability in the Senate

2 December, 2021 - The Greens say today’s move by the Coalition and Labor to reaffirm their dodgy deal to permanently axe Senate motions represents one more nai...

Greens want to end discrimination and commit to making education accessible & employment inclusive

2 December, 2021 - Media release  Disabled person and spokesperson for Disability Rights and Services Senator Jordon Steele-John has announced the Austr...

Greens Announce Accessible Australia Plan for Disabled Australians - Commit to Properly Funding the NDIS

1 December, 2021 - Disabled person and spokesperson for Disability Rights and Services Senator Jordon Steele-John has announced the Australian Greens have relea...

The Greens Announce First Nations Legal Defence Fund

1 December, 2021 - When First Nations people fight for Country, against dirty mining companies or corporate landowners with deep pockets, they’re often locked i...

Parliament votes to secure future of the Australian film sector

1 December, 2021 - Greens spokesperson for the Arts Senator Sarah Hanson-Young responded to the Parliament supporting amendments to a government bill in order t...

Liberals and Labor conspire to silence charities

1 December, 2021 - Labor has signed on to the government’s anti-democracy agenda by voting for new legislation designed to silence critical voices from the nonp...

Greens announce Accessible Australia plan – commit to properly funding the NDIS

1 December, 2021 - Media release  Disabled person and spokesperson for Disability Rights and Services Senator Jordon Steele-John has announced the Austr...

Government must act swiftly on Jenkins recommendations

30 November, 2021 - The Greens have warned the government that Australian women expected them to swiftly and fully implement the recommendations of the Jenkins ...

Live performance industry sounds alarm over insurance

30 November, 2021 - The Greens are urging the Morrison Government to listen to the live music and entertainment industry groups who are again today pleading for...

National emissions data shows pollution rising

30 November, 2021 - Today’s quarterly emissions data reveals that emissions have risen by almost 2% this quarter and that the temporary decrease in carbon pollu...

Massive rise in racism concerns must impel action

30 November, 2021 - Australian Greens Anti-racism spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said the findings of the latest Mapping Social Cohesion report, which ...

Omicron spurs urgency of TRIPS waiver and vaccine equity

29 November, 2021 - Australian Greens International Development spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that the emergence of the Omicron variant has put f...