Latest News, Articles & Media

Adam Bandt
Greens Leader & MP for Melbourne

Morrison makes Australia the OECD outlier on climate

14 December, 2020 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, says Australia is now the only OECD country to rule out raising its 2030 emissions target, as the Morrison govern...

World leaves Australia behind on climate

13 December, 2020 - Last night’s global Climate Ambition Summit confirmed Australia’s status as the world’s climate reject. While Scott Morrison was barred from...

Australia's climate pariah status confirmed by UN Summit speaking list

11 December, 2020 - Australia has been confirmed as a climate pariah as the UN’s Climate Ambition Summit speaking list released today confirms the Prime Ministe...

Greens will oppose IR Omnibus bill

10 December, 2020 - Australian Greens Leader, Adam Bandt says the party’s 9 votes in the Senate will oppose the Government’s industrial relations omnibus Bill. ...

PM must not use Pacific bullying to cover for his climate isolation and misleading of Parliament

10 December, 2020 - Scott Morrison has confirmed Australia’s diplomatic isolation on climate with his answers in Question Time today.  It now appears absolutely...

Greens demand answers: did the PM mislead Parliament on Climate Summit invitation?

8 December, 2020 - There is now a serious question as to whether the Prime Minister has led Parliament, said Greens Leader, Adam Bandt.  Mr Bandt was today gagg...

Greens to amend IR bill to outlaw insecure work

7 December, 2020 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, said the Greens will move a series of amendments to the government’s industrial relations reforms to outlaw insecu...

Morrison must apologise to wine growers for diplomatic errors

4 December, 2020 - The Greens have today called on Scott Morrison to apologise to Australia’s wine growers and other producers, saying Morrison’s mistaken decis...

UK climate pledge leaves Australia naked ahead of crucial summit next week

4 December, 2020 - Ahead of next week’s Climate Ambition Summit hosted by the UK government, Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt, said Scott Morrison wa...

Climate emergency declaration put to both houses: Liberals oppose, Labor split

2 December, 2020 - The Liberals and Labor have combined forces to block a Climate Emergency declaration in Australia, on the day our closest neighbours have dec...

Liberals and Labor team up to kill privatisation inquiry

1 December, 2020 - The Australian Greens have slammed Labor and Liberal for doing a deal to block the Greens’ inquiry into privatisation. After Greens Leader, A...

COVID is not a climate policy

30 November, 2020 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, says the latest reported emissions drop, driven by the Covid-19 shutdowns, should provide no cover for the Morris...