Latest News, Articles & Media

Adam Bandt
Greens Leader & MP for Melbourne

Greens condemn antisemitism and Islamophobia in wake of Middle East attacks

11 October, 2023 - Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP has condemned instances of hate and bigotry in Australia, and expressed concern over civilian d...

Statement from Greens Leader Adam Bandt MP on Labor’s Gas Strategy paper

3 October, 2023 - “Gas is as dirty as coal and Labor is restarting the climate wars,” Mr Bandt said.  “Labor’s strategy is not worth the paper it’s writ...

Dutton nuclear distraction from need to stop more coal and gas

18 September, 2023 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, commenting on the release of nuclear costings by the government, said today Peter Dutton’s exorbitant nuclear pi...

Plibersek says 'No' to safe climate, confirms more coal and gas approvals coming

13 September, 2023 - Despite 2023 experiencing the hottest month on record and dire predictions for an early start to bushfire season in Australia, the Minister...

Question Time farce continues as Ministers don’t answer questions

7 September, 2023 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt has moved in the House of Representatives to change the Parliament's Standing Orders to require Ministers to direct...

Bandt drums up opposition to Labor’s coal and gas agenda abroad and at home

31 August, 2023 - Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP has offered support to Pacific Leaders to demand Labor stop opening coal and gas mines in return...

Plibersek approves Labor’s fourth coal project

31 August, 2023 - Plibersek approves Labor’s fourth coal project Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has today approved the fourth coal project this year, a...

Greens welcome Referendum on 14 October, support the campaign for Yes

30 August, 2023 - The Greens have warmly welcomed the announcement of the referendum on 14 October and recommitted their support for the campaign for Yes. So...

Fossil fuels emissions rise threatens climate, Labor’s targets

25 August, 2023 - The Australian Greens say emissions data released today showing a 2.1% rise in oil and gas emissions over the year to March 2023, to...

Labor robbing future generations by backing coal & gas and refusing real tax reform

24 August, 2023 - The government would have nearly another trillion dollars to tackle intergenerational inequality if Labor implemented popular and progressive ...