Latest News, Articles & Media

Adam Bandt
Greens Leader & MP for Melbourne

Labor must end the tax cuts arms race this election: Greens

14 April, 2016 - In response to the open letter signed by 50 eminent Australians calling on the government to not cut taxes, Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam B...

Labor too weak on steel procurement: Greens

14 April, 2016 - Greens Industry spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said Labor’s plan to supposedly save the Australian steel industry by ‘maximising’ local steel...

Shorten must rule out Labor-Liberal preference deal

4 April, 2016 - Greens MP Adam Bandt has called on Bill Shorten to rule out preferencing the Liberals ahead of the Greens at the upcoming election. Mr Bandt sai...

Income tax proposal a cop out

30 March, 2016 - The Liberals are proving they're not up to the task of tax reform, again dumping their budget problems on state and territory governments, the ...

Turnbull must ditch Abbott’s hardline public sector bargaining policy: Greens

30 March, 2016 - Greens Industrial Relations spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today called on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to ditch Tony Abbott’s hardline bargaini...

CEIF: Turnbull’s climate con

23 March, 2016 - The Australian Greens have criticised Malcolm Turnbull's new Clean Energy Innovation Fund for trying to make a cut in clean energy funding look...

Greens to oppose income tax cuts & company tax cuts for big business

23 March, 2016 - “The Greens will not support income tax cuts in the upcoming Budget,” Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt said. “The Treasurer has talked u...

ATO tax data strengthens case for ending unfair tax breaks in Budget: Greens

22 March, 2016 - Data released by the Australian Tax Office today on how much Australia’s richest companies paid in tax strengthens the case for the government ...

Greens will oppose company tax cut for big business

22 March, 2016 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today announced that the Greens will not support any cut to the company tax rate for big business. “...

Turnbull refuses to back Chief Scientist on climate

16 March, 2016 - Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull today refused to back his own Chief Scientist on climate change when asked by Greens MP Adam Bandt in Question ...

Labor pleading for Liberals’ preferences to stay in Parliament: Greens

9 March, 2016 - Greens Federal Member for Melbourne Adam Bandt MP today said Anthony Albanese’s extraordinary statement yesterday was a desperate move by Labor ...

Cash must put money where mouth is for women’s work/life balance

8 March, 2016 - Following Minister for Women Michaelia Cash’s comments on flexibility for women re-entering the workforce during the ‘International Women’s Day ...