Latest News, Articles & Media

Adam Bandt
Greens Leader & MP for Melbourne

Liberals set to deliver ‘Budget for the billionaires’

2 May, 2016 - The Australian Greens say the Liberals are set to deliver a Budget that will grow inequality by including company tax cuts and income tax cuts for...

Greens release economic principles for upcoming Budget and election

29 April, 2016 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP and Finance spokesperson Senator Peter Whish-Wilson today released the party’s Budget Principles for...

New CSIRO climate science centre a ‘sleight of hand’

26 April, 2016 - Greens Science spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said the CSIRO management’s announcement of a new climate science centre in Hobart is really ju...

Labor must end the tax cuts arms race: Greens

23 April, 2016 - In response to reports today the government will cut company and income taxes in the upcoming Budget, Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt M...

Greens push Labor to keep deficit levy

21 April, 2016 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said the Greens have forced Labor to consider making the deficit levy permanent and called on ...

Cautious welcome as government adopts Greens super plan: Bandt

20 April, 2016 - In response to reports the government is set to lower superannuation tax concessions for people earning over $180,000, Greens Treasury spokespe...

Tobacco tax rise should not fund tax cuts: Bandt

15 April, 2016 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said if the government is looking to put up the price of cigarettes, they should use that mone...

Greens will fight government’s moves on Road Safety

14 April, 2016 - Greens Industrial Relations spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said the Greens will fight the government’s moves to override a Road Safety Remune...

Labor must end the tax cuts arms race this election: Greens

14 April, 2016 - In response to the open letter signed by 50 eminent Australians calling on the government to not cut taxes, Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam B...

Labor too weak on steel procurement: Greens

14 April, 2016 - Greens Industry spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said Labor’s plan to supposedly save the Australian steel industry by ‘maximising’ local steel...

Shorten must rule out Labor-Liberal preference deal

4 April, 2016 - Greens MP Adam Bandt has called on Bill Shorten to rule out preferencing the Liberals ahead of the Greens at the upcoming election. Mr Bandt sai...

Income tax proposal a cop out

30 March, 2016 - The Liberals are proving they're not up to the task of tax reform, again dumping their budget problems on state and territory governments, the ...