Latest News, Articles & Media

Janet Rice
Senator for Victoria

Greens call for end to cruel live sheep export, start by preventing Awassi Express loading

12 April, 2018 - In the wake of the shocking, cruel deaths of 2800 sheep exported from Perth on the Awassi Express, the Greens are calling on the Turnbull gover...

Greens call for end to cruel live sheep export, start by preventing Awassi Express loading

12 April, 2018 - In the wake of the shocking, cruel deaths of 2800 sheep exported from Perth on the Awassi Express, the Greens are calling on the Turnbull gover...

Greens say Melbourne Airport Rail pledge is welcome, call for route and ownership to put public needs first

12 April, 2018 - Greens transport spokesperson, Victorian Senator Janet Rice, says that Malcolm Turnbull’s pledge for Melbourne Airport Rail is a welcome turnar...

Greens say Melbourne Airport Rail pledge is welcome, call for route and ownership to put public needs first

12 April, 2018 - Greens transport spokesperson, Victorian Senator Janet Rice, says that Malcolm Turnbull’s pledge for Melbourne Airport Rail is a welcome turnar...

Government agency’s mass exodus of at least 110 staff due to Barnaby Joyce’s blatant pork barrel, say Greens

29 March, 2018 - New figures showing that an expected mass exodus of 110 staff from the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicine Agency (APVMA) is entirely...

Senate passes motion recognising Transgender Day of Visibility

28 March, 2018 - *788 Senator Rice: To move - That the Senate: 1. Notes that: Saturday March 31st is Transgender Day of Visibility; Transgender Day of Visibilit...

Greens slam Victorian and federal governments extension of logging agreements to 2020

27 March, 2018 - The Greens have condemned Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Premier Daniel Andrews signing off on two year extensions of three of the state's...

Greens slam Victorian and federal governments extension of logging agreements to 2020

27 March, 2018 - The Greens have condemned Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Premier Daniel Andrews signing off on two year extensions of three of the state's...