Latest News, Articles & Media

Janet Rice
Senator for Victoria

Labor sides with the Liberals to dodge marriage equality vote

17 March, 2016 - The Greens are disappointed that the Australian Labor Party has sided with the Liberals to prevent a vote on marriage equality in the parliamen...

If we ring the bells now we can be hearing wedding bells in no time

17 March, 2016 - I am so proud to be standing here today to debate the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2013, and proud to be a member of a loving same-sex coup...

The Greens vision for active transport

17 March, 2016 -   When I first arrived in this place, I did so by bike. With the support of a dedicated team of volunteers, we rode from Melbourne, through Vic...

Fairness sits at the centre of our democracy

16 March, 2016 - Fairness sits at the centre of our democracy. People should be able to go the polling booths with the knowledge that their vote will go where t...

The Government must ignore conservative tantrums on Safe Schools: Greens

16 March, 2016 - The backbench MPs opposed to the Safe Schools Coalition must drop their attack on the program following the Government's review and move on, sa...

Time for Turnbull to stand for something and protect LGBTI youth

16 March, 2016 - The Australian Greens are calling for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to stand up to the conservative backbenchers trying to derail and discred...

Jump in suicide rates demands national priority

8 March, 2016 - Jump in suicide rates demands national priority With the latest figures showing a dramatic increase of 11.4% in the national suicide rate, the G...

Logging native of forests fails the test, time to end RFA destruction

1 March, 2016 - Logging native of forests fails the test, time to end RFA destruction Tasmania’s failure to get obtain Forest Stewardship Council certification ...

Ecological Thinning Opens Door to Logging in NSW National Parks

29 February, 2016 - Ecological Thinning Opens Door to Logging in NSW National Parks The Greens have called on the NSW government to abandon plans of ‘ecological...

20,000 (and counting) support Safe School Coalition petition

25 February, 2016 - The Australian Greens are delighted to announce the petition calling for support for the Safe Schools Coalition has received more than 20,00...

IA provision was sneakily taken away

25 February, 2016 - It is indeed a pleasure to rise to speak on the Omnibus Repeal Day (Autumn 2015) Bill 2015, a week out from Autumn 2016. I certainly concur ...

The Safe Schools Coalition is vital for the wellbeing of our young people

25 February, 2016 -  I experienced one of my most moving days here in Parliament House on Monday. Parliamentary friends of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, ...