Latest News, Articles & Media

Jordon Steele-John
Senator for Western Australia

Government and opposition making law 'on the fly' with online safety bill: Greens

14 February, 2018 - Wednesday, 14 February Australian Greens Digital Rights spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John has accused the Government and opposition of...

Net neutrality inquiry necessary to ensure Australians have guaranteed access to free and open internet: Greens

13 February, 2018 - Tuesday, 13 February The opposition have back flipped on net neutrality and voted with the government against a motion, moved by the Austral...

Net neutrality inquiry necessary to ensure Australians have guaranteed access to free and open internet: Greens

13 February, 2018 - Tuesday, 13 February The opposition have back flipped on net neutrality and voted with the government against a motion, moved by the Austral...

Failure of Turnbull Government to deliver promised NBN a National tragedy: Greens

6 February, 2018 -   Tuesday, 6 February The Australian Greens have called on the Turnbull government to commit to making fast, reliable internet widely avail...

Government must reconsider response to gaming inquiry in the name of innovation: Greens

6 February, 2018 - This Government’s repeated attacks on Australia’s video games industry, climaxing last week in the tabling of a totally inadequate government...

Government must reconsider response to gaming inquiry in the name of innovation: Greens

6 February, 2018 - This Government’s repeated attacks on Australia’s video games industry, climaxing last week in the tabling of a totally inadequate government...

Government’s response to Games Inquiry is another missed opportunity for innovation and economic growth

31 January, 2018 - The Government’s long-awaited response to the Games Inquiry has been released today, in which they note the unanimous recommendations of the ...

Australians Sick of Government Botching NBN

17 January, 2018 - The Government response to the NBN Joint Standing Committee Report shows how clueless and careless the Turnbull Government are about the urge...

No Govt Response to Video Games Inquiry STILL

15 January, 2018 - A government response to the Future of Australian Video Games Development Industry Inquiry, now 626 days late, has not yet been tabled despit...