Latest News, Articles & Media

Jordon Steele-John
Senator for Western Australia

Australian support for US and UK strikes on Yemen is a dangerous escalation at a time for peace

12 January, 2024 - The United States announced today that Australia is supporting the US and UK in attacks in Yemen, reportedly targeting several cities in Yeme...

Australian support for US and UK strikes on Yemen is a dangerous escalation at a time for peace

12 January, 2024 - The United States announced today that Australia is supporting the US and UK in attacks in Yemen, reportedly targeting several cities in Yeme...

NDIS Review Release - Senator Steele-John Response

7 December, 2023 - Lines attributable to Australian Greens Senator Jordon Steele-John: “The rhetoric building up to today has been deeply problematic for man...

Greens in Solidarity with Thalidomide Survivors

24 November, 2023 - The Australian Greens are calling on the Health Minister to agree to re-open applications for the Thalidomide Survivors Support Program.&nbs...

Greens move minute's silence in Senate

15 November, 2023 - MOTION – I give notice that on the next day of sitting, I shall move—That, at the conclusion of formal motions today, the Senate observe a m...

Report for the Inquiry of Disability Services and Inclusion Bill tabled. 

9 November, 2023 - The Community Affairs References Committee has today tabled a report on the inquiry into the Disability Services and Inclusion Bill. Th...

Australian Greens statement one month after the terrorist acts by Hamas into Israel

7 November, 2023 - One month after the terrorist acts by Hamas into Israel, the Australian Greens mourn the over 1400 innocent Israelis who lost their lives. Th...

Historic ADHD Senate Inquiry Final Report Released

6 November, 2023 - The final report of the Senate inquiry into attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis and support services in Australia ...

Greens can't back invasion of Gaza

16 October, 2023 - The Australian Greens have today refused to support the looming invasion of Gaza, saying the government must take steps to stop an invasion t...

Jordon Steele-John

13 October, 2023 - Here’s a snapshot of our work this year as your Greens (WA) Senator and as the Australian Greens Spokesperson for Disability Rights and Justi...

Australian Greens Statement on the Situation in Palestine and Israel

8 October, 2023 - Statement from Senator Jordon Steele-John, Greens Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs:  "The Greens reject and condemn all forms of viole...