Latest News, Articles & Media

Larissa Waters
Senator for Qld & Greens Leader in the Senate

Google ads policy yet another barrier for people seeking abortion and contraception

19 July, 2024 - Google’s updated health and medicines policy threatens to limit or stop Australian healthcare providers from advertising their abortion and cont...

720 safe places for women a drop in a very large ocean of need

9 July, 2024 - Labor is once again announcing something that isn’t new or adequate funding for frontline services. Meanwhile, Destroy the Joint report that at l...

No changes planned for barriers to Escaping Violence Payment

5 June, 2024 - The Department of Social Services confirmed in estimates last night that there were no plans to reconsider eligibility criteria for the Escaping ...

Nets out of Queensland now

4 June, 2024 - The Greens are again calling on the Queensland government for an urgent review of the state’s system of shark nets and drum lines, after a humpba...

Just fund frontline services already

28 May, 2024 - The Greens welcome the government’s review to improve prevention of violence against women, but frontline services remain underfunded and women c...

Women’s safety not a Budget priority

15 May, 2024 - “Last night’s Budget was a betrayal of women experiencing violence, who deserved so much better than rehashed ScoMo policy and re-announced old m...

National Cabinet a disgraceful missed opportunity

1 May, 2024 - Reacting to the National Cabinet communique, Greens spokesperson on Women and Leader in the Senate Larissa Waters said: “What a deeply underwhe...

The nation said NO MORE gendered violence, now we need our government to act

29 April, 2024 - Lines attributable to Greens leader in the Senate and spokesperson on women, Larissa Waters “Thousands of people joined marches around the c...

Government can take action on men’s violence without waiting Royal Commission

26 April, 2024 - A Royal Commission could draw further attention to this epidemic, but we already know what needs to be done to reduce and eliminate violence ag...

Women must feel safe in all workplaces

24 April, 2024 - The Guardian reports today that the Australian Border Force’s marine unit is rife with “inappropriate workplace behaviours including sexual har...

Community win: Walker Corp withdraws application for Toondah Harbour!

18 April, 2024 - Lines attributable to Greens Senator for Queensland Larissa Waters “What an incredible community win. After almost a decade of campaigning b...

Lehrmann defamation case shows criminal justice system is inadequate in responding to sexual violence

15 April, 2024 - In response to Justice Lee’s dismissal of Mr Lehrmann’s defamation case against Network Ten and Lisa Wilkinson. Lines attributable to Greens...