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Max Chandler-Mather
MP for Griffith

Senate won’t deal with HAFF until Labor’s National Cabinet deals with skyrocketing rents, say Greens

19 June, 2023 - The Greens today have successfully deferred consideration of the HAFF bill until after National Cabinet determines its approach to rapidly risin...

PM gets facts wrong on rent caps

15 June, 2023 - Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has got the details wrong on rent controls across the country, telling Parliament - incorrectly - that Territory...

PM gets facts wrong on rent caps

15 June, 2023 - Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has got the details wrong on rent controls across the country, telling Parliament - incorrectly - that Territory...

Rate rises mean more public subsidies for landlords

9 June, 2023 - The RBA’s string of 12 interest rate rises in 13 months will mean an additional $11 billion lost revenue for the Commonwealth budget, PBO figures...

Greens force rent freeze on to National Cabinet agenda

28 April, 2023 - After sustained pressure from the Greens including the threat of using balance of power in the Senate, the Prime Minister has today been forced...

Rent freeze must be on Friday's National Cabinet agenda: Greens

27 April, 2023 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt and housing spokesperson Max Chandler-Mather have called for a national rent freeze to be implemented by the National ...

Greens rent freeze plan could’ve saved renters almost $5,000 each last year

6 December, 2022 - Updated analysis by the Parliamentary Library estimates that renters across Australia would be $10.7 billion better off if rents had been fro...

Labor’s Housing Accord will only provide 184 new affordable homes

24 November, 2022 - Analysis by the Parliamentary Library suggests that only 2.02% of the one million homes the government’s Housing Accord aims to build over 5...

Cost of negative gearing and capital gains tax discounts to blow out to $157 billion over the next decade

3 November, 2022 - According to analysis performed by the Parliamentary Budget Office, the cost of negative gearing will skyrocket as interest rates rise, reach...

Labor’s 1 million home claim is a complete con job

26 October, 2022 - Lines attributable to Max Chandler-Mather MP, Greens spokesperson for housing and homelessness: Over the last five years the private sector b...