Latest News, Articles & Media

Max Chandler-Mather
MP for Griffith

Families link arms to save East Brisbane State School from $2.5b Gabba Olympics disaster

20 October, 2022 - Students, families and community members will rally at East Brisbane State School this morning to fight for the future of their school, under...

Greens set to negotiate with government on housing bill

4 October, 2022 - With the Greens likely to be in balance of power on Labor’s forthcoming housing bill, the Australian Greens Party Room has formally empowered ...

Renters $3000 better off under Greens rent freeze plan

29 September, 2022 - Analysis by the Parliamentary Library estimates that renters across Australia would be $7.1 billion better off if rents had been frozen nat...

Scottish government freezes rents - time for the Federal Labor government to do the same

7 September, 2022 - Today the Scottish government has announced they are freezing rents for all public and private rental properties until March 2023 and bannin...

Greens call for nationwide rent freeze

25 August, 2022 - With the upcoming Jobs Summit and recent Everybody’s Home research detailing the impact the rental crisis is having on the broader economy, Ma...

Labor's plan will only meet 3% of social housing need

11 August, 2022 - Analysis provided by the Parliamentary Library predicts that Labor’s housing plan will deliver only 3% of the social housing Australia will ne...

Labor’s Social Housing Plan will abandon hundreds of thousands of people to housing stress and homelessness

8 August, 2022 - Greens spokesperson for housing Max Chandler-Mather has today responded to the Housing Minister's comments on social housing, calling Labor's p...

First Speech - Max Chandler-Mather

1 August, 2022 - It is abundantly clear to me that billionaires and big corporations run parliament. Indeed, when it comes to representation, I imagine that peo...