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Mehreen Faruqi
Deputy Leader & Senator for NSW

Speech: Coronavirus Racism

11 February, 2020 - I want to acknowledge the extraordinary work of the agencies and experts around the world who are managing the response to the coronavirus o...

Speech: Support for Fire-Affected Small Businesses

11 February, 2020 - The bushfire crisis has drawn unthinkable devastation onto our communities, our environment, our animals and our country—a crisis that we wi...

With QLD Gov Support, Greens renew calls for National Horse Register

11 February, 2020 - Greens Spokesperson for Animal Welfare, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has welcomed the Queensland Government’s support for a National Horse Regist...

We Don’t Need No Hanson Education Bill: Faruqi

10 February, 2020 - Greens Education Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has responded to Senator Pauline Hanson’s announcement of “The Prohibiting the Indoct...

Speech: No Citizenship Pledge

6 February, 2020 - Instead of working to make students proud of our nation by leading on justice for First Nations people, by tackling the climate crisis and by...

Speech: Illegal Phoenixing Bill

5 February, 2020 - As already indicated by my colleague Senator Whish-Wilson, the Greens do support this bill, but we also realise that what this bill does not ...

Speech: Integrity

5 February, 2020 - The Greens were the first party to call for a national anticorruption body and have long advocated for a national integrity commission. In fa...

Speech: National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Amendment

5 February, 2020 - I rise to speak on the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Amendment Bill 2019. This bill implements recommendations of the ...

Speech: Scott Morrison's Leadership Failure

5 February, 2020 - Crisis can bring about the best in people, and indeed it has brought out the best in our communities this summer. But sadly it has also broug...

Speech: Wildlife carers

5 February, 2020 - I rise today to make an urgent plea for change. There are many things that these horrific bushfires have forced a rethink on—on this governme...

Speech: Condolences motion on bushfires

4 February, 2020 - The bushfire crisis has wrought havoc and destruction on our communities and on our country. People have been lost, homes have been lost, liv...