Latest News, Articles & Media

Nick McKim
Senator for lutruwita/Tasmania

Labor now isolated on supermarket divestiture

2 July, 2024 - Labor is now isolated as the only party allowing the big supermarket corporations to continue to misuse their market power and price-gouge Austra...

Greens split buy-to-rent from consumer protection changes

27 June, 2024 - The Greens have split a Government bill to ensure greater scrutiny of Labor’s plan for Build to Rent tax breaks and regulation of Buy Now, Pay L...

Political duopoly votes to protect supermarket duopoly

26 June, 2024 - Labor and the Liberals voting down the Greens’ Divestiture Bill shows they are siding with the supermarket corporations over the interests of ev...

Greens secure amendments to corporate climate disclosures

25 June, 2024 - After securing amendments to the government’s Financial Market Infrastructure Bill to require large Australian companies to report against both ...

Labor’s supermarket response leaves shoppers high and dry

24 June, 2024 - Labor’s code of conduct will do nothing to bring down food and grocery prices, and if the Prime Minister truly wants to help Australian shoppers...

Treasury confirms price gouging and intergenerational inequality

3 June, 2024 - Treasury has confirmed that corporations are price gouging and agreed that intergenerational inequality is a concern, but Labor remains in denial...

Husic's corporate tax cut calls

28 May, 2024 - Calls by Cabinet Minister Ed Husic to lower the corporate tax rate show that Labor are massively out of touch and have the wrong priorities, the ...

Greens kill Labor’s gas fast-track bill

16 May, 2024 - The Greens have secured an agreement with the government to shelve Labor’s offshore gas fast track plan that silenced First Nations voices. After...

Labor’s budget surplus betrays renters, mortgage holders and students while keeping a future for coal and gas

14 May, 2024 - The Australian Greens say that Labor’s third budget betrays those doing it tough by prioritising a surplus ahead of helping people. It will fuel ...


10 May, 2024 - The Government’s proposed changes to the Petroleum Resources Rent Tax will see revenue go down, not up, and shows the Labor Party are being used ...

Senate inquiry calls for price gouging to be made illegal and for supermarket divestiture powers

7 May, 2024 - The Greens-led Senate Select Committee on Supermarket Prices has recommended making price gouging illegal, as well as introducing divestiture laws...

Labor’s merger reforms weak and inadequate

10 April, 2024 - Labor’s proposed merger reforms are weak and inadequate, and show how much the party is in the thrall of big business, the Greens say. “This...