Latest News, Articles & Media

Nick McKim
Senator for lutruwita/Tasmania

RBA and Labor opt for class war instead of fixing inflation

7 November, 2023 - The Reserve Bank's decision to raise interest rates for the 13th time with the acquiescence and approval of the Labor Government is a continu...

Greens Secure Critical Review into Disability Discrimination in the Migration System

18 October, 2023 - The Greens have secured a comprehensive review of the Significant Cost Threshold, an outcome with significant potential to reduce discriminat...

Nick McKim

13 October, 2023 - It’s been a busy and challenging year. We’ve used our balance of power in the Senate to push Labor to more progressive outcomes, and to hold ...

Labor offers Liberal solutions to Immigration crisis

5 October, 2023 - Labor’s approach to Australia’s immigration system is too similar to the Liberal Party and leading to the same disastrous human rights outcome...

Pezzullo must resign or be sacked

25 September, 2023 - Revelations about Home Affairs Secretary Mike Pezzullo’s deeply inappropriate involvement in the political process and contempt for the pri...

Gas Code of Conduct could be sent back to the drawing board

1 September, 2023 - The final Gas Code of Conduct was tabled in the Parliament last sitting week. While this is a complex piece of regulation that needs closer ...

Labor robbing future generations by backing coal & gas and refusing real tax reform

24 August, 2023 - The government would have nearly another trillion dollars to tackle intergenerational inequality if Labor implemented popular and progressive ...

Labor’s decision on Greens’ gas tax amendments a key test

22 August, 2023 - The Greens say they will not be cowed by Labor’s desperate attempts to pass their weak gas tax unamended, and will move amendments when the PR...

Government can secure passage of their gas tax changes through the Senate Crossbench

31 July, 2023 - The Greens have offered to pass the Government’s gas tax changes through the Senate if the revenue from the changes is doubled by lowering the d...

Colette Harmsen

15 July, 2023 - Greens Senator Nick McKim has described the gaoling of environmental activist Colette Harmsen for three months as manifestly unjust. “Ms Harm...

RBA Governor

14 July, 2023 - The sacking of RBA Governor Dr Phillip Lowe is a victory for accountability, but nothing will change for renters and mortgage holders until Labo...

Federal Government must stop Tasmania’s assault on environment

4 July, 2023 - The Greens have condemned Forestry Tasmania’s move to expand its environmental vandalism to a further 1000 hectares of native forest for logging,...