Latest News, Articles & Media

Sarah Hanson-Young
Senator for South Australia

Labor’s environment plan missing key parts

1 November, 2018 - Members of the Labor Party agitating for improving their stance on the environment must fight for investment, and change on the party’s stanc...

While the extinction crisis deepens our Environment Minister is in hiding

31 October, 2018 - Australia’s Environment Minister has let the public down yet again with her silence on the WWF’s damning report into human-driven mass extinc...

Scathing Royal Commission evidence puts MDBA on notice

30 October, 2018 - The final submission to the Murray Darling Basin Royal Commission will send shockwaves throughout Basin communities and should be seen as a w...

Greens refer National Party funding to Auditor-General

26 October, 2018 - Greens environment and water spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young will today write to the Auditor-General to investigate reports of more s...

Leigh Creek Energy project must be stopped

18 October, 2018 - A team of senators from the Morrison Government, the Labor party, and Nick Xenophon’s Centre Alliance has rejected a motion calling for a ban...

Labor and Coalition back corporate power over community rights

17 October, 2018 - The Morrison Government and the Labor Party have thrown Australia under the bus in teaming up to pass the dodgy Trans-Pacific Partnership tod...

ABC political interference will be investigated

16 October, 2018 - The Australian Greens have welcomed the Senate’s support in establishing an inquiry into the ABC, which will investigate recent instances of ...

The cruelty must end, let’s get #KidsOffNauru

16 October, 2018 - Children and their families languishing on Nauru must be brought to Australia to receive the care they need, Greens Senator for South Austral...

It’s not too late to defeat the TPP, Labor

15 October, 2018 - The Australian Greens are calling on the Labor Party to dump its support of the dodgy TPP ahead of the debate in the Senate today.   “The do...

Senate must work together to clear the air on ABC interference

15 October, 2018 - The cloud that hangs over the independence of the ABC has come no closer to being cleared following the release of the Government’s departmen...

Leigh Creek UCG project must be stopped

11 October, 2018 - The Australian Greens are calling on urgent Federal Government intervention into the Leigh Creek Energy underground coal gasification project...

Acting ABC chair will not solve governance problems

28 September, 2018 - The Government’s ABC acting chair appointment is not going to give the broadcaster the fresh start it needs, the Greens say.   “The ABC Bo...