Latest News, Articles & Media

Sarah Hanson-Young
Senator for South Australia

State Liberal Budget is anti-SA

4 September, 2018 - Greens Senator for SA Sarah Hanson-Young has slammed the State Liberal Party’s anti-South Australian budget.   “Steven Marshall and Rob Luca...

Europe sends dysfunctional Morrison Government a wake-up call on climate and trade

3 September, 2018 - The Australian Greens have urged the Morrison Government to heed the warnings of the EU over walking away from our Paris commitments.    “Th...

PC draft report shows Murray Darling Basin Plan is doomed

30 August, 2018 - The Greens are calling on the National Party to lose the Water Ministry following the release of the Productivity Commission’s damning draft r...

Words will do nothing for bank competition, only a People’s Bank will

30 August, 2018 - Greens Finance Spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, says there is no point in Scott Morrison repeating the exact phrase said ad nauseum b...

Barnaby Joyce should look to Cubbie Station for water

28 August, 2018 - Barnaby Joyce’s first act as drought envoy is to attempt to tear apart the basis of the Murray Darling Basin Plan, the Greens say.   “Barnaby...

Stand aside, Littleproud

28 August, 2018 - REISSUED   The Australian Greens are calling on Water Minister David Littleproud to stand aside after fraud charges were laid against his wife...

Morrison’s Cabinet is an attack on the environment and climate action

27 August, 2018 - The Prime Minister’s new Cabinet line-up is a direct attack on the environment and the health of the planet, Greens Environment spokesperson S...

Corporate tax cut defeat is a win for communities

22 August, 2018 - The Australian Greens have welcomed the defeat of the Liberal Government’s corporate tax cuts Bill in the Senate today.   “South Australians c...

Labor and Liberal Government block expanding community vote on nuclear waste

22 August, 2018 - Labor and the Liberal Government have teamed up to block a Greens motion seeking to extend the community vote on a nuclear waste dump being bu...

Barngarla and Adnyamathanha people deserve the right to vote: Greens

17 August, 2018 - Australian Greens nuclear spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young is calling for the community vote on the nuclear waste dump to be delayed un...

Greens stand with communities in opposition to nuke waste dump

15 August, 2018 - The Australian Greens are calling on the Liberal Government to abandon its plans to build a nuclear waste dump in outback South Australia, in ...

Government continues to punish young people while students are starving

13 August, 2018 - Reports that students are going hungry or dropping out because of the increasing costs of a university education shows the Government has its ...